ms218899 Member


  • Hi from Florida. I'm on a path to renewed motivation! Would love more friends to help keep my goals on track!
  • What I've learned is you can't rely on "what they say" your ideal weight should be. Everyone has a different metabolism, bone structure, muscle mass, etc. Find what feels good to you...your body will tell you. I'm a tall girl with a bigger bone structure. What a BMI chart tells me might be "ideal" is not natural for me. I…
  • It's awesome to see so many health minded people in one place. This has been a weight loss journey of highs and lows for me, but I keep going! I'm happy to have new friends for even more motivation!
  • Hey Alma! Is there any way you can do your workout in the morning before work? It will keep you energized throughout the day and keeps your metabolism in burning mode all day. Good luck! You can do this!
  • 35 lbs is no easy loss...great job! A big shift in lifestyle can be a shock to the system at first, and it can be hard to maintain for some. I've found that everyone has to find what works for them. You are spot on with the slow and steady attitude. Being healthy is life, not a phase. Keep on keeping on!
  • Way to go! Keep it going! :)
  • How much exercise are you doing? Adding more exercise to your day will actually help with how tired you feel. It may seem difficult at first, but the more exercise you do, the less tired you will feel overtime. Also, since you said you do well in the mornings, but evenings are hard, try adding a workout in the evenings. It…
  • Thanks for the votes of confidence! I just look at how hard I worked before to get where I was and maintain it for awhile, and it was so disappointing to fail. It was definitely a learning experience, and I'm just going to continue to use that as my motivation. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  • Southwest Florida...hi all!
    in Florida Comment by ms218899 March 2015