Reformed fat kid going the distance

Hi everyone. As the title suggested, fat and myself have always been close associates, minus a spell in my late teens / early 20s where I stayed only slightly out of shape. I'm 31 now and about this time last year, I jumped on the scale and to my horror and dismay, I was edging on 300lbs. I've managed to drop 35lbs since then, but instead of treading water in the sub-obese pool, I'm ready to finish the job.

My motivation comes from dozens of gradual changes in my diet and daily activity instead of taking on my entire life-style at once. There have been many hiccups, but I think slow and steady is getting me where I need to be. I don't really know what else to say, but I hope to reach my goals and the same to anyone who is struggling to beat that demon.


  • ms218899
    ms218899 Posts: 11 Member
    35 lbs is no easy loss...great job! A big shift in lifestyle can be a shock to the system at first, and it can be hard to maintain for some. I've found that everyone has to find what works for them. You are spot on with the slow and steady attitude. Being healthy is life, not a phase. Keep on keeping on!
  • in_faith
    in_faith Posts: 42 Member
    I have more than 100 lbs to lose.. Eating clean and exercising as best I can. Best wishes to you. Please feel free to add me.