Alipop Member


  • Some BCAAs are just damn tasty. I drink a lot of one brand that is white grape flavour. I never used to drink water now I get in a ton. Is too much BCAAs bad for me?
    in bcaa advice Comment by Alipop April 2015
  • Thanks for posting the vids. Very helpful.
  • Best line ever said to me, "abs are made in the kitchen" It's true. Your bodyfat needs to decrease.
  • It is an art and a science when it comes to order, and rules are meant to be broken. That being said, if you are new to training you should do compound movements first for best strength gains, neuromuscular recruitment, fatigue management. Bench recruits other muscles while focussing on the pecs (triceps mostly). Follow…
  • I like their stuff too. Thinking about signing up for the May 1 fat loss challenge.
  • I like them too. It makes sense. It means better workouts and more muscle and more calories to maintain when it's all said and done. Lifestyle that I like. I gave a good feeling about it and I'm going to join. Paul's last post is so awesome re: comparisons of body fat with same height and weight women.
  • 5'8" female 27% bodyfat 1500 per day rest to 2150 on workout Strength training 5x/week plus 1 HIIT and 1 longer cardio (a hike on active rest day) IIFYM aiming for 35% protein/45% carbs/20% fat... On rest days more fat less carbs to drop to 1500 a day I do this for 8-10 weeks then slowly increase my calories back to TDEE…
  • What is your activity level set at prior to determining calorie goal?
  • Some times if I'm "stuck" I increase one macro slightly and see if that's what I need. For example, I was eating low fat high protein and I switched to more fat and took away carbs. There is tons of conflicting data regarding cal in and cal out (it is the basis of weight loss) but what you eat is important as well. Look…
  • I take Branch chain amino acids during my workout (amino build- Muscletech). BCAAs protect your muscles from catabolism (breaking down) plus seem to protect hormone levels that trigger protein synthesis. I also supplement with protein powder (with no carbs in it) to help me reach my goal of 0.8g per lb of body weight. I…
  • You can add "strength training" under cardio. The truth is mfp doesn't know how hard you lift weights/how much rest between sets/etc in order to estimate. Eating in a calorie deficit WILL make you lose some muscle. I focus on making sure I get enough protein. Reading about metabolic damage (check out Layne Norton on…
  • I'm 39 and female but love bodybuilding. Looking to cut right now and always struggle with diet. Used to be a competitive power lifter then got fat then got ripped then got kinda fat again.... Now I'm planning on getting shredded and staying there
  • Me too! I started a 40 weeks until I'm 40 and I have 37 weeks to go! I have 17% body fat to lose or about 40 lbs I figure. Exercise is super easy for me - I love it! But the diet part... I have lots of changes to make to eat better balance. I tend to go heavy on the carbs and not enough protein. - What is your goal for the…
  • Add me if you are into bodybuilding and want to cut. Or if you rock the food part but need motivation for the gym. I love to lift heavy but my diet needs work. We could kick each others' butt!!!
  • Wow. So rare to have someone do something nice like this! Thank you. I gain muscle very easily. Unfortunately the same goes for fat. LBM is 140 lbs and I'm at 37% body fat at 218lbs. Female. I kill it at the gym lifting heavy weights 5 days a week but ruin the fat loss by eating junk food. I keep getting stronger and have…