Going to start my 40's fit!

Just turned 39 and refuse to start my 40's in this body! Going to finally make that long awaited change. Any tips or suggestions?


  • sheynoa
    sheynoa Posts: 4 Member
    I am in the same boat.... I want to loose 40 by my 40th birthday. I will be 40 in October. I recently gave up meat for lent so the week after Easter is when I will start. I have not cheated once so I hope that is an indication that I can stay on track!!!

    Good Luck!!!
  • Alipop
    Alipop Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! I started a 40 weeks until I'm 40 and I have 37 weeks to go! I have 17% body fat to lose or about 40 lbs I figure.
    Exercise is super easy for me - I love it! But the diet part... I have lots of changes to make to eat better balance. I tend to go heavy on the carbs and not enough protein.
    - What is your goal for the week? I find that I just set a small goal for each week and see how I do with it. If it was easy and I did it everyday then I set a new goal the next week.... It is all the little changes that add up to be a lifestyle change. I've been very successful before but tend to gain the weight back and return to old habits... I HAVE kept off over 140 lbs for 10 years though :)
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    edited March 2015
    Don't pierce your belly button. (Lol - I did that when I was 40 and it was a silly thing to do. I've since taken it out.) I turned 50 last October.

    Seriously, it's a great time to learn about who you really are. In retrospect, I should have made a better effort. This should be part of your well-being journey.

    I took up jogging and ran a half marathon when I turned 40. I've never been sporty and hated jogging. Therefore, I learned how to do something new and healthful, felt a huge sense of self-pride, and made my family proud. Running is still part of my fitness repitoire a decade later.