

  • So what exactly does the cleanse entail? I took advocare supplements years ago and spark, both for more energy. Now I have some weight to lose. And I love spark. If anyone who sells it or knows someone that sells it feel free to message me. I don't remember the cost or like I said the details of the cleanse. But I want to…
  • Switch up your routines. Add in some intervals of high intensity running.. Do about 30 second intervals of a sprint or something similiar and then go back to low intensity. Add in some weigh training as well. Even if it is just walking lunges with 5 pound weights.. Always shake up your body routines. It makes a huge…
  • I will send you a request too. I just had baby number 2 8 weeks ago and am struggling with the weight too. I am 5'8, 145 before pregnancy, 191 day of delivery and currently 168. I have a ways to go!
  • Unfortunately I could not breastfeed.. I did for the first 5 weeks and had to stop due to a few issues and witg doctor advice I stopped. I am just now returning to the gym.. I'm 3 days into it. I'm thankful for all your advice and comments.. Positivity is nice to hear!
  • I'm 5'8, currently 168 after baby number two. He's now 8 weeks old. Usually I'm between 140 and 145 and about a size 3/5.
  • "]Congratulations on having your second child! That's exciting. As for your weight issue, don't be so hard on yourself. You have recognized that you need to make a change and you are taking steps to get it done. Well done. That puts you ahead of most people. I wonder what your calorie level is and what it has been in the…
  • Yes, I believe I will go shopping. Having clothes that fit, will help instead of staring at what doesn't fit everyday. I really truly appreciate all the support.
  • Thank you all. I think the hardest part was I used to be there person that people would ask me to train them and help them with their diet and I used to do bikini competitions. So being this size and feeling like a stranger in my body is hard! Thanks for letting me vent. I truly needed it.
  • 10 miles over 2 days I meant to put.