Who has advice on postpartum weight loss?

I am asking this because I just had baby number 2 about 8!weeks ago. He is happy and healthy after a very difficult pregnancy where I was put on bed rest for about 4 months. I gained 50lbs and have lost 25. With my first son, I was 22 years old, gained 30lbs and lost all of it in about a month and regained my figure super fast. Now I 29.. A lot more weight to go. Being on bed rest made me lose a lot of muscle tone and definition. I now have fat in places I didn't know I could! I have always been super active, always played sports, love the gym and am at a loss. I'm having a terrible time and my self confidence is at an all time low. I have a closet full of clothes and can wear literally none of them.. They are mocking me! Lol. I had to go buy clothes to wear to the gym which I just started back at on Monday. In return to work this Monday and have to buy clothes for that. :( I need some help, guidance, advice on a way to get started again.
On a side note,, l said I am 29, 5'8, and currently at 168.2 pounds. I'm usually between 140-145 and a size 3-5.
I would love any new friends going thru the same thing and anyone that has positive support and feed back! Thank you all.


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Patience and time. A lot of it. Go buy yourself a few cute outfits that fit with your current weight. NO negative self-talk. You created a person. Give yourself a YEAR. A full YEAR to get back to where you were (and it probably won't take that long but it's better to give yourself time). Make time for the gym when you can, even if it is just 1-2 times a week. Count your calories, don't aim too low on that either.

    But yeah, be nice to yourself. This time period is really really hard. I think the postppartum hormones just make it much much worse.
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    eat less and move more. I'm almost 2 years post partum and while I am now at my pre-pregnancy weight I still do not have the same body as before. If I could change anything I would have definitely done a lot more weight training in the last 2 years.
  • mabinethin
    mabinethin Posts: 93 Member
    My son is 18 months and I'm still trying to lose the weight. Stay active, I walk on my lunch breaks. I try to be active but I work full time and I'm a full time mom so I'm exhausted at the end of the day , so I walking during lunch and it's great.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You're 5'8 and 168lbs. Seriously, that is nothing to worry about! You're only just slightly at an overweight bmi.

    I gained absolutely loads in my 2nd pregnancy and I wasn't on bed rest. When my 2nd was 8 weeks old I weighed 220lbs and I'm only 5'6. I got down to 154lbs and a UK size 10/12 (US6/8) through calorie deficit and exercise.

    I'm currently losing weight after my third, and she's 11 months. It's slow, but I am 37 now. I still gained loads and I was working out until 38 weeks. My profile pic was taken last week and I weigh around 180 maybe. I do always weigh more than I look like I do. I'm a US size 10, 8 in some clothes.

    Just try to keep active, which should be easy with young kids anyway. I take my children out all the time...walks, beach, park etc.

    Start working out when you feel ready. I've been back at the gym after my 6 week check with all three of mine.

    Eat a deficit, but don't feel you have to starve yourself. If you're breast feeding, make sure you're eating enough for that.

    You've still got pregnancy hormones in your body so that'll make you feel worse anyway. It'll come off, it just takes time. If you've always been quite slim I expect you'll bounce back quite quickly.

    Definitely get yourself something nice to wear too. Maybe get a haircut too, that'll make you feel better about yourself.
  • mnmoon10
    mnmoon10 Posts: 12
    Unfortunately I could not breastfeed.. I did for the first 5 weeks and had to stop due to a few issues and witg doctor advice I stopped. I am just now returning to the gym.. I'm 3 days into it. I'm thankful for all your advice and comments.. Positivity is nice to hear!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Congratulations Mama. W my second child I gained sixty - 60 - pounds. At 5 feet tall that is an enormous amount of weight. I walked it off...on a treadmill 4 x weekly for one half hour and lifted weights 4x weekly ./...it took three years to completely be gone but I never put the weight back on and now its 24 years later...
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I couldn't exclusively breast feed either, and felt awful about it, which definitely affected my feelings about everything postpartum. I also took loads of things like fenugreek to try to increase my supply, and I took domperidone after my 2nd, and apparently these cause you to gain weight.

    Honestly, you'll regain your fitness soon, it doesn't take long. You'll keep noticing differences.