cathrynw Member


  • Hey all, I've been doing badly lately I started this challenge last month and am at 210.4 to lose the 20 I'd have to be at 190.4. I'll set my goal for 199! I still have two huge months to get it done! You guys who have continued are all doing great! Sorry I've been Mia. I'll try to be more involved!
  • Starting weight: 210.3 Goal weight: 190 Ultimate goal weight: HEALTHY!
  • I'm back in two!!! I went as far up as 231, today I'm at 210!!!! Down 21lbs since January! Im ready to get the next 20 off for good!!! @Eninad we've got this!!!!!!
  • Results this week: Starting weight MFP: 219 Challenge start weight: 212.4 Goal for this challenge: 193.4 This week's weigh in: 213.9 Lost .9 this week, come on scale that's basically a whole pound. My goal this week is to get in the 211-212 range by next week! We are doing flag football as our company sport so that should…
  • @Eninad I am so very sorry for your loss, I'm keeping you in my prayers. @slw19 sometimes I feel exactly the same way... That's why it took me to Thursday to officially weigh in. This week was tough, I was away all last weekend into Monday for a wedding. I tried to prepare and being exercise clothes and my swimsuit to even…
  • @SeeAhtter787 good for you!! This week is much better then last week! I accomplished my goal of getting myself to the gym! Starting weight MFP: 219 Challenge start weight: 212.4 Goal for this challenge: 193.4 This week's weigh in: 215.2 I'm still over my starting weight for this challenge I am hoping I can tackle that this…
  • @seeahhter787 great job!!!! @edellaratta keep up the great work!!!!
  • Hey All, I'm going in the wrong direction. I was on vacation eating salty food all last week. I'm sure it will go down some but I'm holding my weigh in accountable anyway. Starting weight MFP: 219 Challenge start weight: 212.4 Goal for this challenge: 193.4 This week's weigh in: 219.8 Goal this week is to get myself to the…
  • My first official weigh in and my goals for this challenge Starting weight MFP: 219 Challenge start weight: 212.4 Goal for this challenge: 193.4 This week's weigh in: weigh in on Wednesday Cat @RiverCameron our stats are so close! Keep up the good work!!!
  • I haven't set my goal just yet for the challenge, I have to weigh in first :( I know I've gained since last challenge or a least it feels like that. Anyway, I'm back to eating on my plan this week which is a major plus, now I'm working on a little more exercise!
  • Hey all! I haven't weighed in yet for this challenge, I will do that tomorrow and write it on then. @Eninad hang in there! You are doing so great!!! You can taste that Onederland! @Angelfire365 you are doing great!!! @RiverCameron way to go!!!
  • I'm in! Name: Cat Age: 29 Height: 5'3 Start Weight: (1st May) 211.6 Goal Weight: (1st June) 201 1st May: 211.6 8th May: 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: n/a
  • Not a gaming geek but a book worm! I have about 80 lbs to lose as well to get to my goal weight! I'm always looking for more support. Add me! -Cat
  • Hey Jo! I'm Cat I started this week, and I will be losing over 30 lbs (that's the plan anyway!) feel free to add me, I could use the encouragement!! And it seems you did something right losing 10lbs already way to go!!!
  • Good for you!! I'm just starting today and and going through posts for more motivations! This is exactly what I needed to see!!