Narcissora Member


  • @PixieGoddess and @sagj Here is a link to the butterbeer cupcake recipe! I made some normal-sized cupcakes and some mini cupcakes. If you do the mini ones (they fit into bento boxes!!!), then make sure to only bake them for 9-10 minutes.
  • More coleslaw; homemade mini butterbeer cupcake (they taste just like the butterbeer at the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios, if you have ever tried it); raisins; pb&j sandwich; and some cut up chicken.
  • Slaw with raisins, sharp cheddar cheese, rice, chicken, broccoli.
  • I don't think I will be able to hold off until lunch time to eat this bento. I made homemade slaw last night, and it is oh-so-freaking-good. Homemade slaw, raisins, turkey, cheddar cheese, homemade peanut butter, pretzel crisps.
  • It was pretty firm and could easily be eaten with a fork... But I don't have much of a texture issue with food, and I prefer to eat most things cold, so I thought it was good!
  • Who else spent 3 hours at the DMV on Saturday and just didn't have it in you to go grocery shopping after that? I really scrounged around the kitchen to put my lunch together. I can eat out, but I have been making very bad choices at restaurants lately, and I know I will end up with a cheeseburger and French fries. I poked…
  • Leftover taco pasta with a dollop of sour cream, banana bread, broccoli, and apple
  • Today's bento: Rice with the best ever beef burgundy that I cooked in the slow cooker all day yesterday, green beans, babybel cheese, and banana bread that I baked last night. Ohmygodyum! I can't wait until lunch time!
  • Guys!!! I have a job!!! And that means I can bring bento lunches to work again!!! Today I had broccoli, mini burgers, leftover spaghetti, and a honeycrisp apple. Simple and delicious!
  • This is the best MFP thread ever! Also, where you purchase bento boxes and supplies really depends on where in the world you live. I am in the U.S., so I searched "bento box" on Amazon and bought some fun stuff with free Prime shipping :)
  • I used a recipe from Just Bento for the mini burgers I made for my bentos last week. They were super good! I recommend trying them out! Just make sure to mince up the onion into pretty small chunks. I left mine a little too large, and it was rough getting the tiny burgers all shaped right with big chunks of onion…
  • I needed a comfort food bento today. I didn't bother counting calories. I'm just feeling kind of bummed and just generally down today. Champagne grapes, baba ganoush, pretzel crisps, babybel cheese, leftover stir fried veggies, mac and cheese.
  • Similar to my bento from yesterday: Cucumber and tomato salad; champagne grapes; rice with peppers, onions, and salsa verde; and three mini burgers that are happy to be in my bento.
  • That banana is way too cute :)
  • I didn't know you were supposed to eat the stem - I definitely don't. But the grapes are deliciously sweet and well worth the effort to pluck them all individually off the stem.
  • After a month of having no option but to eat out, I am finally settled into my new home! I don't have a job yet, but I figured I would do some bento lunches to get back on track with eating my fruits and veggies. Mini hamburgers, cucumber and tomato salad (cucumber, tomato, parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, salt & pepper),…
  • I'm going to do this. Plan on seeing it in future bentos from me too. Also, I'm finally going to be not living out of a hotel room starting next week, so I will be making bentos again (hopefully). I won't have a job, but I will do some stay-at-home bentos.
  • I really dislike raw veggies too. However, try blanching them for like two minutes. It makes a world of difference for me! I blanch broccoli, bell pepper slices, carrot pieces, snap peas... The texture is better, the flavor pops, and I'm at the point where I don't even need to add salt to my blanched veggies any more.…
  • Ha! I didn't realize it was a zombie thread before I posted. That zombie took a looooooong time to regenerate. I hope the OP figured this out long before she received any responses.
  • Not sure where you got the idea of starvation mode - it isn't what you think it is. If you eat 1200 - 1400 calories, you will still lose weight.
  • I love the mini quiche! I'm totally going to make those when I can start bento-ing again.
  • Let's educate you on bento. It is a style of meal found commonly in Japan, and it has become popular in countries all over the world. In Japan, kids bring bento to school for lunch, and parents take classes on how to design and create elaborate bento for their children. You can also purchase prepared bento at stores. Here…
  • I've turned into a lurker for the past few weeks while my bento stuff is at home and I'm working out of town, so I had to chime in and say that I get so many new post alerts all of a sudden! The bento addiction is spreading faster than the zombie apocalypse! Also, I love kombucha. You have to kind of be careful, though,…
  • Plain yogurt is mega yuck. I only use it if a recipe calls for it. Vanilla is so much better. If you aren't liking it, maybe add a drop of vanilla extract to it for flavor? I'm not sure if that would work, but it could make the yogurt more pallettable.
  • It sure is an eggcelent star egg!
  • I don't really think of it as a diet. I think of it as just the way I eat everyday. I'm at maintenance now, and I have just completely changed my eating habits to where this is now normal for me. Anyway, I struggled with the same thing at first - I would have days where I was too scared to eat my minimum. But it is exactly…
  • Is your rice winking at me? >.<
  • I've been on the pill for years and years and years (I take tri-sprintec, which is a generic form of something that I can't remember any more). I had an increased appetite and ate a lot and gained weight at first. I recently lost it, and now I'm maintaining. I do have to say, eventually the hunger and cravings subsided. I…
  • This is actually my last bento for about a month. We are finishing packing tomorrow, and we move on the 4th. (I actually moved here to Buffalo on the 4th of July four years ago. It's crazy that I'm moving out the exact same day). I just realized that I should have tried for a patriotic bento of red, white, and blue. Oh…