Using Bento Boxes for lunches.



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Mine doesn't have a camera icon. I can do bold, italic quote(also has code and spoiler) and see emoticons but that is all. My phone is a Note.
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    Mine doesn't have a camera icon either...

    Anyway, Bento from the day before yesterday

    And today's

    11.png 268.4K
    12.png 282.6K
  • Okay I seriously need to get back to bentoing. Didn't bring lunch in today and have tomorrow off ready for the long weekend but Tuesday I will be back posting.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    madiao wrote: »
    andyluvv wrote: »
    How do you guys post images from the app? Is it possible?
    iPhone its possible, but not android. I take pics with my android, upload them to my google drive, then get on the forum with my pc later.

    If you have an android phone you can post photos on the mobile site by pressing the little camera icon, then press choose file, then documents, then there's a list on the side where you can scroll down to photos and choose the picture you want. Does that make sense?

    Bento for today has teryiaki chicken, veg, rice and dumplings but I forgot to take a pic. Will try and remember at lunch time.

    The ability to post pics from the android app was removed a while ago :( If you still have the ability, you're a very special mfp'er. There's been more than one complaint about the unfair differences in functionality between the iOS and android apps, but that's for a different forum topic.
    Okay I seriously need to get back to bentoing. Didn't bring lunch in today and have tomorrow off ready for the long weekend but Tuesday I will be back posting.

    Damn right you better. Don't make me stalk you when I'm next in Sydney ;)
  • madiao
    madiao Posts: 119 Member

    @DawnEmbers @andyluvv @mangrothian I meant from the mobile website (in the chrome browser)
  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member

    More coleslaw; homemade mini butterbeer cupcake (they taste just like the butterbeer at the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios, if you have ever tried it); raisins; pb&j sandwich; and some cut up chicken.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Narcissora wrote: »
    homemade mini butterbeer cupcake (they taste just like the butterbeer at the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios, if you have ever tried it)

  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    Narcissora wrote: »
    homemade mini butterbeer cupcake (they taste just like the butterbeer at the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios, if you have ever tried it)


  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    @PixieGoddess and @sagj

    Here is a link to the butterbeer cupcake recipe! I made some normal-sized cupcakes and some mini cupcakes. If you do the mini ones (they fit into bento boxes!!!), then make sure to only bake them for 9-10 minutes.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Ah If I am using MFP on my phone, I use the app, not the browser. I mostly just browse forums while I eat or when waiting to leave since sometimes close can mean waiting on manager. Today I attempted to make things. I had fried tofu, rice, carrots, mushrooms, rice/tofu/mushrooms in seaweed, store bought marinated egg and the zero calorie bbq sauce I found at the nutrition store where I sometimes get protein bars. I got the design idea from the book my stepsister gave me though didn't make the rest of the food from the "recipe". The rice/tofu are supposed to be elves though I added the ears cause the book didn't have that. At least they look like faces but cutting the seaweed was challenging with a regular knife. And my attempt of putting rice wrapped in seaweed was special but still edible. Pretty low calorie today too, less than 500.


  • Bananahat
    Bananahat Posts: 9 Member
    I have been bento-ing for a month now, maybe a bit longer. It has made my lunchtime so much more fun. My coworkers call my lunches little gifts. They do feel as little gifts to me. I say no to snacks people offer me because I don't want to ruin my appetite since I know I have a box waiting for me full of yummy food.

    When I started reading this thread I was amazed by people having multiple bento boxes. Now I feel the need of a second one too. I feel the need for a thousand boxes, however, at this moment I can justify having a second one. I have been saving a lot of money by bringing my own food to work, so I feel I am allowed to buy another bento box. The other 999 will be bought later o:)

    First pic: Leftover taco veggies (red bell pepper, onion, tomato, cucumber), grapes, pluot, rice with parsley, pepper and onion, and a lot of leftover taco chicken

    Second pic: Cauliflower, broccoli wild peach, apple, red wine vinegar chicken, tomatoes and rice
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Bananahat wrote: »
    The other 999 will be bought later o:)

    That's the spirit! :) Welcome, fellow bento-er!

    My bento today was sesame fish, Spanish rice (under the fish), and mixed veggies, with a side salad. I forgot my dressing again, but managed to choke it down. I ate it first so then I could eat the delicious hot food to cover the taste :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I made mine the night before for a change. Well, I worked close yesterday and had to work open today, so that made it necessary. Nothing fancy though. Just some tuna, rice, avocado, egg and carrots. I had the turkey sticks as a snack later since I knew I'd need energy for jogging after work. Ended up having a fight with the avocado, so need to do laundry soon. First time I wore my long sleeve work shirt and I got avocado on it. *sighs*

  • xmusicloverr
    xmusicloverr Posts: 100 Member
    These are all adorable, and it's such a good idea... I need to get a few bento boxes
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I had a bento today at work. Rice in squares with bits of seaweed on top, chicken bits, chipotle bbq sauce and a couple pork/spinach dumplings. However, my phone was at home. Oops.
  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    I still can't get my photos to upload.... might need to look at a different site to load them to.

    But I have been using my bento boxes every week since I got them. I only work 2 days a week (at home with the kids the other 5) so the husband uses them the rest of the time!
    Todays was quickly thrown together last night... a box of salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, spring onion, feta cheese, chickpeas and balsamic vinegar to dress) some raw energy balls and kiwifruit....... I have been sick for the last 2 days and wasn't sure if I would be going to work today.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I don't use a site for this thread, just post from computer since I use my laptop and dropbox to get the images from my phone. However, I've had luck posting on mfp using TinyPic web site. I like it because when uploading you can adjust the size for forums or email (email is slightly smaller). That way my progress pictures don't take up the whole screen cause I don't like that. Food, however, I'm cool with seeing take up a lot of space. lol
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I don't use a site to upload my bento pics too (although some are stored in my Google Drive); I just drag and drop them straight to my post to upload them to the site.

    I have a feeling I'm going to end up going out for lunch today, so I don't know if I'm even going to eat it or not. Rice with furikake & an umeboshi, chicken karaage (home made with the marinade made from scratch ^_^), and heirloom baby carrots and broccolini, with a bottle of tonkatsu sauce for the karaage. About 670 Cals total; karaage, although delicious, isn't the lowest Cal protein option around and I added more rice than normal.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Since I had fast-food for lunch before work, dinner was small. Just fried tofu minced up with some no calorie bbq sauce and put in some rice. Added sriracha on top for fun plus two little gummy snacks. Also had protein shake.

  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    No picture for me today since my purse was stolen, including phone, so I have no ability to take the picture. BUT I do have bento so what I packed was the following:

    Top layer: about 2 oz left over steak, colby jack cheese stick, red wine/bacon/onion green beans

    Bottom layer: spring mix with halved grapes and goat cheese, topped with white balsamic vinegar and olive oil

    I should get my replacement phone soon so we can be back to bento viewing shortly.