Using Bento Boxes for lunches.



  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    Because of this thread I wanted a bento so bad. So here is my first one.0vp3r6avcdfw.jpg

    It looks awesome!
  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    zira91 wrote: »
    im so envious to others that can eat their veges raw and they can eat so many veges.. because salad, is out if question for me.. :'(

    I really dislike raw veggies too. However, try blanching them for like two minutes. It makes a world of difference for me! I blanch broccoli, bell pepper slices, carrot pieces, snap peas... The texture is better, the flavor pops, and I'm at the point where I don't even need to add salt to my blanched veggies any more. (That's a pretty amazing feat for me - I used to be the queen of salt).

    Heh, queen of salt...

    I did not mean this

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Because of this thread I wanted a bento so bad. So here is my first one.0vp3r6avcdfw.jpg
    Welcome! Your first box looks so pretty and nummy!! . . . I can haz? #_#
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    edited August 2015
    zira91 wrote: »
    im so envious to others that can eat their veges raw and they can eat so many veges.. because salad, is out if question for me.. :'(

    I had to try lots of different things to find what I can handle. For example, I hate the texture of raw carrots, but I can eat them if they're chopped matchstick style b/c then I'm not really chewing them much. I hate iceberg lettuce with a fiery passion, but I can eat the "spring mix" greens. I can snack on raw broccoli and cauliflower but hate them in a salad. And I still can't eat most veggies raw unless I have dressing or dip or something, which is why I often have cooked veggies and/or fruit instead.

    And then of course, I just remind myself that I need to eat my green food.
  • piheart
    piheart Posts: 122 Member
    edited August 2015
    Today's bento!

    Breakfast: hard boiled egg on spinach, Greek yogurt + cookies n cream protein powder + unsweetened flaked coconut in the container (best combo yet!!!!), apples, blueberries (276 cal)

    Lunch: Sweet peas and hummus in the duck, mini quiche, laughing cow cheese, wheat thins, and some trader Joe's contemplates inner peas because I'm running out of supplies (443 cal)


  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    Land Before Time! I need to watch those again.

    Veggies - I don't like many vegetables raw either. I won't eat peppers (red, green, yellow) or tomatoes at all raw cause eww. I prefer most veggies cooked though vary as I like green beans canned more than frozen, but I do like raw carrots. I like fresh cauliflower and broccoli cooked but frozen then cooked is okay. I envy people who can eat dairy all the time. I have to limit to one or two days a week because I have a mild allergy.

    Protein - There are some non-meat sources, for sure, though I do find it easier to reach my goals when I have chicken or seafood. Even some vegetables have protein. Peas and Brussels' sprouts are two good examples that help. I do use protein powder a few days a week but I have vegetable and beef ones (the beef is my new attempt cause I can't use the whey ones). It's a challenge at times and without meat even more but if you can have dairy that makes it easier too cause greek yogurt, cheese and such are helpful.

    Today's bento in includes: cooked broccoli, thin sliced beef, red bean paste parantha, babybel gouda and rice cakes. Broccoli was from frozen and I'm having a dairy day so I get to try the gouda (I was looking for sweet/heat feta but no luck, which is sad cause I love feta). The parantha is pretty good and I had some last night but it's 400 calories for a whole one, so I'll only eat half of one at a time. Not counting rockstar (strawberry & cream) the meal comes out to almost 500 calories this time.

    *picture isn't loading and i have to leave so might post after work*
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    My Bento for today ( yay , I didn't forget it !!!!) . Total of 720 cals.
    A Bottle of Kombucha
    Breakfast - soy teddy egg and brft biscuits.
    1st snack - cheese stick and nectarine
    Lunch - grilled chicken n squash, plus cucumbers.
    2nd snack - chocolate chip yudding !
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    chocolate chip yudding !

    Yudding? As in a pudding made with yogurt? Do you have a recipe?
    I love looking at all the yummy bento lunches. :smile:
    Sorry, I promise to post a picture one day.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Picture attempt who knows how many...

  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    Narcissora wrote: »
    zira91 wrote: »
    im so envious to others that can eat their veges raw and they can eat so many veges.. because salad, is out if question for me.. :'(

    I really dislike raw veggies too. However, try blanching them for like two minutes. It makes a world of difference for me! I blanch broccoli, bell pepper slices, carrot pieces, snap peas... The texture is better, the flavor pops, and I'm at the point where I don't even need to add salt to my blanched veggies any more. (That's a pretty amazing feat for me - I used to be the queen of salt).

    Heh, queen of salt...

    I did not mean this


    usually i just stir fry or sauteed my veges... i guess ill try blanching my veges too after this.. i might like em! i guess 2 minute would do it then, as u've said.. (coz i never really get the hang on how many long should i blanch my veges).. Thanks!
    LOLXD that pic tho..
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    Because of this thread I wanted a bento so bad. So here is my first one.0vp3r6avcdfw.jpg

    Ur bento look gorgeous! especially that strawberry and the white chocolate chip ~ Yum..
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    edited August 2015
    irenehb wrote: »

    Yudding? As in a pudding made with yogurt? Do you have a recipe?
    I love looking at all the yummy bento lunches. :smile:
    Sorry, I promise to post a picture one day.

    Yup ! It's so good. I take 1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt and add 10g of sugar free pudding, put it in my magic bullet and give it a whirl. Then add 5g of the mini chocolate chips. I also add different extracts and topping to change up the flavor.
    Mint, for mint chocolate chip
    Black Raspberry, then use just a drizzle of chocolate syrup.
    Use the sugar free cheesecake pudding then put fresh fruit on top , it taste like real cheesecake !!!
    The French Vanilla pudding with two of the wafers from the 100cal snack packs ( the ones that taste like Oreos) crushed on top - Cookies n cream !
    It's so good ! There's such a consistency difference between the yogurt and skim milk that I don't mind the 15 extra calories , it's so thick and creamy !!! AND did I say SOOO GOOOOD !
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    irenehb wrote: »

    Yudding? As in a pudding made with yogurt? Do you have a recipe?
    I love looking at all the yummy bento lunches. :smile:
    Sorry, I promise to post a picture one day.

    Yup ! It's so good. I take 1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt and add 10g of sugar free pudding, put it in my magic bullet and give it a whirl. Then add 5g of the mini chocolate chips. I also add different extracts and topping to change up the flavor.
    Mint, for mint chocolate chip
    Black Raspberry, then use just a drizzle of chocolate syrup.
    Use the sugar free cheesecake pudding then put fresh fruit on top , it taste like real cheesecake !!!
    The French Vanilla pudding with two of the wafers from the 100cal snack packs ( the ones that taste like Oreos) crushed on top - Cookies n cream !
    It's so good ! There's such a consistency difference between the yogurt and skim milk that I don't mind the 15 extra calories , it's so thick and creamy !!! AND did I say SOOO GOOOOD !

    Ohhh, this sounds awesome. I will be trying this. Thanks!
  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    irenehb wrote: »

    Yudding? As in a pudding made with yogurt? Do you have a recipe?
    I love looking at all the yummy bento lunches. :smile:
    Sorry, I promise to post a picture one day.

    Yup ! It's so good. I take 1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt and add 10g of sugar free pudding, put it in my magic bullet and give it a whirl. Then add 5g of the mini chocolate chips. I also add different extracts and topping to change up the flavor.
    Mint, for mint chocolate chip
    Black Raspberry, then use just a drizzle of chocolate syrup.
    Use the sugar free cheesecake pudding then put fresh fruit on top , it taste like real cheesecake !!!
    The French Vanilla pudding with two of the wafers from the 100cal snack packs ( the ones that taste like Oreos) crushed on top - Cookies n cream !
    It's so good ! There's such a consistency difference between the yogurt and skim milk that I don't mind the 15 extra calories , it's so thick and creamy !!! AND did I say SOOO GOOOOD !

    I'm going to do this. Plan on seeing it in future bentos from me too.

    Also, I'm finally going to be not living out of a hotel room starting next week, so I will be making bentos again (hopefully). I won't have a job, but I will do some stay-at-home bentos.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Yesterday there were several board meetings at my office, so I ended up eating various free foods (half-sammich, pickle spear, cookie, bag of chips) instead of my bento and thus I had yesterday's bento today:
    Sesame fish, brown rice, mixed veggies, blueberries, and sweet cherries.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Narcissora wrote: »
    irenehb wrote: »

    Yudding? As in a pudding made with yogurt? Do you have a recipe?
    I love looking at all the yummy bento lunches. :smile:
    Sorry, I promise to post a picture one day.

    Yup ! It's so good. I take 1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt and add 10g of sugar free pudding, put it in my magic bullet and give it a whirl. Then add 5g of the mini chocolate chips. I also add different extracts and topping to change up the flavor.
    Mint, for mint chocolate chip
    Black Raspberry, then use just a drizzle of chocolate syrup.
    Use the sugar free cheesecake pudding then put fresh fruit on top , it taste like real cheesecake !!!
    The French Vanilla pudding with two of the wafers from the 100cal snack packs ( the ones that taste like Oreos) crushed on top - Cookies n cream !
    It's so good ! There's such a consistency difference between the yogurt and skim milk that I don't mind the 15 extra calories , it's so thick and creamy !!! AND did I say SOOO GOOOOD !

    I'm going to do this. Plan on seeing it in future bentos from me too.

    Also, I'm finally going to be not living out of a hotel room starting next week, so I will be making bentos again (hopefully). I won't have a job, but I will do some stay-at-home bentos.

    I feel like the only person in this thread who's in love with plain greek yoghurt :( Granted, some brands taste like *kitten*, but the good ones taste great plain.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I feel like the only person in this thread who's in love with plain greek yoghurt :( Granted, some brands taste like *kitten*, but the good ones taste great plain.

    I like plain greek yogurt, most kinds, but it doesn't like me. Pesky mild dairy allergy. *grumbles*
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    No bento for me today , I was off. But the Bestie and I went to The World Market. I bought more than I should, but I got plunty for my bentos. Lol , moderation, moderation, moderation ! My new chant!
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    No bento for me today , I was off. But the Bestie and I went to The World Market. I bought more than I should, but I got plunty for my bentos. Lol , moderation, moderation, moderation ! My new chant!

    Hmmm, love Hello Panda! Never thought to look at World Market, I think there's still one of those nearby...runs off to check the maps :blush:
  • madiao
    madiao Posts: 119 Member
    @mangrothian I like the plain Greek yogurt too!

    Where do you get your umeboshi from? I've been looking and asking at various different Asian grocers and no one seems ro stock it :(