elleelise Member


  • Just to check in, I'm officially down to 191.8 pounds, 50 lost since last April. Intuitive Eating and not obsessing about food or calories can work y'all. I haven't restricted, dieted, counted, taken foods out of my diet, nor hated my body along the way. I simply have found joy in movement, I listen to my body's cues and…
  • Scale is totally accurate. :) Bodies and weights all look differently. MyBodyGallery is a perfect example. Which goes to say that weight means very, very little in the scheme of things.
  • Checking in with you all here now in 2016: I loved myself at 241 pounds last April, and I still love myself now at 207. My self worth isn't defined by my gravitational pull, physical shell, nor food choices. Non weight victories: And as of this month I have been diet free for 3 years! When I track, I'm not fundamentalist…
  • Thanks you guys! So many folks have been adding me because of this post and it is nice to be making so many positive friends on MyFitnessPal. Just an update: Have lost 32 pounds slowly since April. Still lifting weights, feeding myself nourishing (and sometimes not nourishing) foods, but most importantly, not obsessing…
  • Glad some of you found this helpful! It's made all the difference in my approach this time. Loving oneself unconditionally isn't vital for weight loss, you are correct. It is vital for living a fulfilling life. It is vital for being content. It is vital for MENTAL WELLNESS and wellbeing, which I believe is infinitely…
  • Thanks for all the feedback. What I have been suffering from, since childhood, is closest to folliculitis (basically looks like acne, but is deep and often forms into large painful welts and sometimes is clustered.) I get these on my thighs, low stomach, butt, and side. :( I don't have health insurance at the moment, so…
  • Oh, Whole30 isn't a product. It's a 30 day eating regime... I'm not following it verbatim (for instance, I don't think having a smoothie made with coconut milk and fruit is "cheating") but I am following the eating plan for the next 27 days then starting to reintroduce dairy for two weeks, and then sugars, then finally…
  • Ha! Seriously... No, but I get huge welts, hives, breakouts all over my body. Tried treating it topically and using antibiotics. I am 99% sure it is food related.
  • I am so happy this resonates with some of you! And thanks to everyone for contributing positivity. And I knew I would get a little pushback about what I said in #2 (beginning with movement), however in my own journey I found that focusing solely on my body's size in the past (i.e. reducing calories) was ultimately not a…
  • Give it more time. Patience is the key.
  • I was previously "addicted" to sweets and suffered from Binge Eating Disorder. Life was hell for 20 years, since 4th grade. The only way out of that dark tunnel is surrendering to the foods you are subconsciously villainizing and giving yourself open permission to eat as you crave while learning to love your body AS IS…
  • Yeah, I'll bump it down to 40% for now! :) Thanks for the help!
  • I started out at 241 pounds, so 10 pounds isn't crazy for the first month. My deficit is not too low, but thanks for worrying! And I'm not cutting out all sugar and carbs (where was that implied?) I simply want to focus on hitting certain macros targets 80%-90% of the time, and upping my focus on eating quality foods…
  • I am 5'9/5'8 and look pretty banging at 190 pounds, which is my initial goal. Once there I'll reevaluate. I am built pretty large though. You can get a good idea of how weight distributes across different frames and bodies by checking out this site: http://www.mybodygallery.com/
  • Because I am not just interested in weight loss. I am interested in maintaining muscle mass, having enough energy, avoiding blood sugar spikes, and composition.
  • 231 at the moment
  • YEP. What he said! ^
  • Ok thanks!! Glad to know other people experience this too. A pair of too-tight jeans fits me now so I know I'm getting smaller. Just wasn't sure how it pans out with weight training and muscle mass when on a deficit. Congrats on your loss! :)
  • Food is inherently enjoyable and pleasurable and pairing it with social activities is normal. However I am an advocate of eating when you actually feel hungry, not simply because food is there, although sometimes it is just there and you want to sample a f-ing peach at a Farmer's Market, so go for it and enjoy life.…
  • Doh! I am 235. That is an important bit of info. no? Ha. And yes, I own a scale and intend to track as accurately as possible. :) Thanks for the responses!
  • I refuse to buy into the myth that I need to wait until I am X size to travel, dance, get a massage, have sex, go to the beach in a bikini, be loved, have awesome clothes and jewelry and experiences. In the past I used to come up with rewards and timelines, demonizing my fat self to a withdrawn life of deprivation and it…
  • Oh, a few more thoughts: Part of my road to recovery was exposure therapy and it really did work but it took a long time. I had to make a list of ALL the foods that I mentality categorized as "bad" or "dangerous" and "tempting." This list was pages, and pages long and included all the foods from my childhood that I…
  • Hey! Former BED sufferer + "sugar addict" here! I found peace after working with an intuitive eating specialist and nutrition counselor for the last two years. Binge eating is triggered by: restrictive eating, linking food to morality (such as, "A doughnut is BAD but apples are good"), feelings of guilt, "the last supper…
  • YES. It's no surprise that on 6 hours of sleep today I found myself eating a bar of chocolate, a TJ's Bar None ice cream bar, 1/4 c. ice cream, and wanting bread on bread on bread.