jenmckane86 Member


  • Good job! I quit 2 years ago, cold turkey. Chewing regular gum right after eating helped me a lot.
    in . Comment by jenmckane86 August 2015
  • Newbie here...I'm also wondering how long the routine takes (or should take) on average.
  • I've tried the tank top/ cami kinds. I like them. The Assets brand curls up on me, but Kohls has one...I can't remember the brand, and it stays put.
  • I don't have IBS, at least I've never been diagnosed with it...but I cannot eat spinach unless it is ground up in a shake or something like that. My stomach literally doesn't digest it and won't pass it. The only way it will come out is the same way it came in, which sucks because I actually really like spinach.
  • I agree with this. has their own app called bodyspace. You can search for workout plans with the app and they tell you exactly what to do- and show you pictures if you are unsure. You can find single workouts all the way up to 12 week plans all based around your goals.Very useful app. Another app that I…
  • I would tell myself that it's not going to kill me to be a little hungry from time to time!
  • I don't have much of an appetite in the morning. I usually eat something around 8 am. Either a protein shake with fruit, or some yogurt. Lunch is around 11:30. I usually get in a lull around 2:30- 3pm. I usually have a snack then. Dinner is around 7:30. I've been trying to wait until I am actually hungry to eat. I am a big…
  • I am soooo not a morning person so I've tried tons of "tricks" trying to wake myself up at 5am. There are a couple of things that have worked really well for me. - Put your alarm on the other side of the room. This makes you physically get out of bed to turn it off. - Put a water bottle next to the alarm and as soon as you…
  • My family is exactly like this. Twice a week we have dinner with the in-laws. One night with my family, the other night with my husband's family. My family is pretty good about helping me out along the way, but my mother-in-law is truly a challenge. She makes enough food for 50 people, and it's always really rich, yummy…
  • oh...isn't a salad. Maybe I should have read that first.
  • I usually have a salad. Dole makes these chopped salad kits that are really good and easy to put together on my way out the door. I usually throw some chicken in with it.
  • I have a few "why's" 1) I would like to actually finish and accomplish a goal. 2) My husband and I are going on our first vacation since our honeymoon, and I don't want to worry about how my clothes look on me the whole time. 3) I ride horses and it hurts a lot less to fall off when you are fit. 4) I see my father…
  • Great job!
  • @SueInAz- he just turned 33, and went to 3rd shift at work. That has impacted his weight gain recently. He didn't really start gaining weight until after we got married, 3 years ago. Same here. He switched to light beer and lost a few lbs. I don't know whether to admire or shake my head at his accomplishment. I almost look…
  • So true! That was pretty much the point I was trying to make to him...I tried eating whatever I want, and I ran all the time! It's not helping me!!! We weighed ourselves this morning and he had already lost 3 pounds to my zero. The man will never know the struggle! lol.
  • I just started and am looking to lose the same amount. Feel free to add me!
  • I have similar goals. Currently 186 @ 5'6. I'd like to be down to 150 by my birthday (october 27)