I understand how you feel, no matter what weight I am I always feel the same. As you see yourself every day, any change is going to be gradual, so you won't pick up on the difference as much as someone who sees you less often. Have you tried looking at pictures at yourself before and comparing them to now? You have lost a…
I'm sorry to hear that you got teased :( I've been lucky that never been overly teased for my height, not in a malicious way anyway (besides one guy calling me a lanky c*** every so often a few years ago, but he was mainly bitter about other stuff) I would try another counselor, but I wouldn't know how to go about getting…
I'm here and need to get motivated too! please add xx
Hi! I'm cheyenne, I turn 18 next week and want to lose 10-14 pounds for summer! Ive had this app for about 2 and a half months but I stopped for about 3 weeks but I'm trying to get back on track! I'll add you :smile:
Yeah I know so many people with body image problems it's really sad :/ thank you for your reply, there's a whole list of things I haven't been able to confide in with my counsellor but I've only been seeing her for a couple of months so I'm still at the building trust stage of things Thank you so much for the reply! I'm…
Thanks for ubderstanding the motivation issue, thanks for the reply!
I'm so glad you made the choice and became motivated enough to become healthier! That's great! Yeah I'm trying to be more open with my counsellor, its just difficult not to hide certain things
To everyone, you are amazing and lovely and thank you so much! Feel free to share your own stories - everyone needs to vent sometimes and you all deserve support! If you want to DM me about anything or add me as a friend or what ever feel free to Xxxxx
Thank you for the advice, I'll try and get motivated!xx
Thank you for sharing your story! I'm so glad you managed to overcome PTSD and depression, you sound like an amazing person! I will definitely talk to my counsellor about this next time I see her, thank you so much for your advice, you're really so empowering xx
thank you! Its native american :smiley: I'm glad you've managed to overcome your issues! Thanks for sharing your story :smile: my counselled suggested something similar to the list, so I'll try to keep at it! And yeah I know they are common and I was starting to accept them, I've just had a set back recently.. Thank you so…
Oh you rowed too?? Thank you! I'll try :) I hope your attitude to food get better!xx
Thanks xxx
Yeah I know what you mean about looking back, looking back at when I was rowing a few years ago and I was at my lowest weight Im like, wow I was so skinny, but at the time I felt exactly the same as I do now.. I'll try the photo thing, but I have a tendency to avoid cameras.. Thank you for the reply and advice! And…
Thank you all for the replies, the response and support has been overwhelming, I didn't think anyone would read it, I really only posted it because I have nowhere else to vent about this to without the usual 'shut up' i get from my friends, and i dont want to sound whiney.. thank you all so much! I know Lots of people are…
Thanks for the advice, I'll try! And thanks, but a good filter really does do wonders :') xx
All my friends are petit and perfect, and next to them I always feel weird and unproportionate, so I guess that doesn't help,and it kind interferes with everyday life like, it makes me feel *kitten* when I hang around them and try on clothes or look at pictures etc, so that doesn't help.. When I say over 2000 calories its…
She's the generic school counsellor, so I guess she covers those kinda issues too?? I'll try and look in to it, thank you for the advice and support!
Ooh okay thanks, I'll check it out!
Yeah I know I wouldn't.. thank you!!xx
I logged for 45 days religiously, at the end my binging increased and then i kinda gave up and didn't for a month (which was when everything fell apart and I gained a lot - everything I lost) but in trying to get back on track now.. I used to work out on the elliptical trainer every day for 20 mins, high resistance and…
1 stone is 14 pounds or 6.350 kilograms xx It's a really difficult issue to overcome :/ but I guess the first step is accepting that weight doesn't influence all of life's problems and accepting who you are
Yeah I know, I've been going to counselling for about a couple of months, but we never really talk about this kinda thing, Its one of the multiple topics I have issues discussing with her, idk I guess I will eventually, but thank you so much for your support and for replying! :smile:
If I were you I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, if you cone right out and warn her/tell her you've lost a bit of weight then it night seem a bit like your rubbing it in her face? If she is bothered by it then she'll probably bring it up herself, however descrietly, in which case try and be as supportive and encouraging…