agreenid Member


  • Recommended exercises: -Push-ups -Resistance band work (upper and lower body) -Dips (triceps) -Sit ups -Planking exercises (Core work can get super hard even just with body weight) and it's not just 'for abs' but will help build stabilization muscles Found some great links--I use resistance bands myself and have gotten to…
  • Thanks guys! I actually found a bit of a workaround. If I use the Wahoo RunFit app, I can link it to MFP and have it share my workout stats there. It puts everything in as "walk/run" but transfers over the time and calorie counts which is all that matters for me. :D
  • If there's not a way around the downloading another app thing, your recommendation is much appreciated! "What is the best third app to have" would probably be my next question so thank you!
  • Oh man. The Victoria secret ones are the only ones that stay up for me--I only have one pair because they are $$ and I got them on sale (bra and pants for $45!). I also like that they're thick. Waiting for another sale to pick up a new pair but I think I'll have to try Old Navy too since you guys are raving!
  • My 2 cents:* Drink lots of water. Lots. Buy a water bottle wherever you go if you're not carrying your own and keep refilling that baby. * If at all possible, stay at a hotel with a gym and bring your workout clothes. For me, working out helps put me in the right mindset to make better choices throughout the day. *…
  • Wow wow wow! What an inspiration. This time around for me it's so important to focus on "strong and healthy" versus "skinny" and your now picture is a big reason why. You look great and look at all those muscles!
  • Awesome! Yeah, I've found that the most important thing for me is forming the habit of working out daily. If I go too many days in a row skipping (like 3, 3 days without is my limit) I hit a 'meh' kind of mentality and it suddenly becomes so much easier to skip out on the rest of the week. I also tend to make better meal…
  • Measurements are a great way to keep track of things when the scale fails to--I know that I had to stop paying such close attention to the numbers. The scale says that I'm the same (actually up from where I was!) but I'm down a pant size.
  • HW: 289 MFP SW: 198 Challenge SW: 161.8 CW: 162.4 GW: 155 I am up from the start of the challenge but trying not to let that get me down. I bought a size 8 dress this weekend and a new pair of jeans in a size 6 so I'm definitely down in size, just not in weight! Trying to remember the scale isn't the be all, end all...
  • You are absolutely right on this! The psychological aspect has been really weighing on me and YES we are worth the time/money!
  • @Kristie155 Not at all--thank you for getting things rolling! Today was busier than I thought it would be and I'm just now getting on!.
  • What a great motivator! You can absolutely get there *cheer*
  • @FatSwatter Absolutely you can! It is a journey, with all the bumps in the road a journey has, but I'm so glad that you're here with me on it! B)
  • @robingmurphy Can I ask if you do your own measurements for BF and how you do them? I really want to start tracking that (I work with a trainer till the end of the month who can help me out but beyond that I want to keep doing it on my own and don't have a pinchy tool like she does!).
  • @MsMarlaJean Congratulations on your engagement! You are going to rock this. It's funny how MFP "streaks" or anniversaries really help to motivate. I know you can get back to where you were and can't wait to be with you when it happens! :)
  • @macgurlnet I'm in a similar boat with you in terms of not having a good idea of where I want to end up number wise but I think that once you get to a certain point it really becomes about how you feel. I added in weights and strength training in June of last year and it has made a huge difference--I'm not quite at a point…
  • @Rgianola A birthday goal is a great goal! I did that last year (December 13) and was able to hit it so I hope you can make yours (scratch that, I know you can!).
  • @karbruce It wasn't me but I should check it out! I've been really putting off focusing on my macros especially since I know so little about how to implement it and there is just so much information on the internet. I'll have to check it out!
  • Hey guys! I'm so glad to see you all here and read through your introductions! One thing I love about the MFP community is that while we may have different backgrounds and stories we are all coming together to do accomplish our goals. I can't wait to get to know you all better over the next 8 weeks :smiley: We. Can. Do.…
  • Starting off... I, like many, have struggled with my weight since childhood. I hit an all time high in University but got down to the low 200s where I stayed for years. Last April, my boyfriend and I decided to make a lifestyle change and work towards being healthier. Since then, I have lost over 40lbs. Thanks to a few…
  • HW: 289 SW (for this MFP journey: April 2015): 198 Challenge Starting Weight (hereafter referred to as CSW:) 161.8
  • Over on the eastside in Bellevue... the cold weather has made me kick up my gym days since it's getting so dark and chilly so early!
  • Sometimes it helps to take a bit of a break. Try eating and living at maintenence for a few weeks. Seeing the number on the scale stay the same and getting used to what maintenance feels like is good practice. And if you're like me, a few weeks of not seeing the scale drop may get your brain revved to start up losing again!
  • I would say it depends largely on what you feel like but I've found that if I don't have anything to eat before I do anything involving a serious weight lifting session, I tend to get nauseous. Having a protein shake an hour before helps a lot. HOWEVER, for high intensity I cannot eat anything before I go or it's the same…
  • Best advice I can give is to log it and move on. I'm not going to tell you that it wasn't really a binge or that it probably wasn't that many calories because the bigger issue is the way you feel about it (I've been there, that loss of control is crazy amounts of not-fun). But it happened and the best thing you can do is…
  • Welcome back! It's hard when you've done really well and feel like you're starting over. But remember that this time you're doing it and it's going to stick! It might help to set smaller goals for yourself so that you feel that sense of accomplishment sooner instead of waiting till you hit where you were "before". Treat…
  • My exboyfriend would actively try to stop me from being healthier. In the long run it's about your own willpower etc but it's crazy hard to have someone bringing in the wrong type of food or shoving treats you can't have under your nose. It turned out that he was very afraid that my losing weight would equal my leaving him…
  • I had chips and a chocolate bar yesterday and logged it--I don't do it everyday but I do it when I really have the craving so that I don't binge! Or that's the theory... 37 pounds so far, so I'd say it's working!
  • Try upping your calories for a week, watch the scale, see how you feel. Sometimes it's just what you need.
  • Fantastic!