raraCoco Member


  • Hi all!! I started at 175 in February. Now I'm at 170. My weight loss has been a lot slower than I hoped so I don't think I will make my goal of 155 for June but at least I will try to keep losing !! Good job everyone :smile:
  • My February start was 175. I am currently at 173 and have been stuck there for half of February !! A little bit frusterating but hoping march I can get down at least 5 lbs. At least I didn't gain!
  • Hi everyone ! Anyone can join at any time of course ! I'm going to be weighing myself the first of each month, if you would like to join me. I will just be posting it here on this discussion. Of course you can do your weigh in at any time.
  • So happy so many of you could join !! I'm going to weigh in at the end of February, let me know how your first month is going. Feeling pretty positive but I could be logging food better than I have been !
  • @harleylaverne1720 I'm usually over 600 Cals too sometimes up to 1000 ! Today Im trying super hard after two days of eating like a crazy person maybe its out of my system !
  • @CydSteele I have been trying to drink more tea it does help a little bit! Thank you for the tips! @estherdragonbat I realize now after your answer that there was one month where I did step aerobics nearly every day and I barely noticed my PMS that month! Perhaps more core exercises will help during the month.
  • Cabbage roll soup ! I usually make it super thick so it's more like unstuffed cabbage rolls and then I have a couple tbsp of sour cream on the side. It is low cal and very filling.
  • Zuccini fries ! That's the only thing I ever use my air fryer for ha!
  • Don't weigh yourself for the first 3 weeks. I didn't lose my first lb until well into the second week of dieting. It might be why you feel discouraged?
  • I have blood sugar issues and i've tried both keto and low carb in the past, They really weren't for me. My body would not adjust. Maybe you will have better luck, I hear it takes a while! If not, perhaps try a low glycemic diet to keep blood sugar steady. I also find it a lot easier to follow, I have way more energy as…
  • I've been doing intermittent fasting now for 16 days. I eat from 10:30am to 3pm daily. Honestly this is the first time i've been able to lose weight without calorie counting. (I still do try to eat healthy though.) I've been doing a lot of reading about it and it seems to have a lot of benefits which I'm already starting…
  • Awesome! I just started intermittent fasting. I'm trying it for 100 days. I'm on day 16 and I've lost 6lbs. I was stuck at the same weight for a LONG time until doing this method of weight loss. My eating window is between 10:30am to 3pm and I haven't been calorie counting but I also haven't been eating unhealthy. What…
  • If you aren't logging food incorrectly then a food intolerance can cause weight gain and weight fluctuations.
  • Lost 1lb so far! Any one else!?
  • Shelley! I will create a weigh in thread. First weigh in is on November 12th (hopefully we are down 10lbs) I will post the link here once we get closer to the date as well!
  • So happy so many of you joined!!! Loving that a lot of us are at a similar starting weight! After New Years we should do another challenge leading up to Summer! Am I getting ahead of myself? Lol!
  • Hey Knottykathy! I recommend looking up Jenny Ford on youtube! She has beginners exercises and they are all amazing. I recommend her to everyone lol!
  • I had a baby in April and have totally been slacking since then!! I plan on doing cardio at least 5 days a week (step aerobics) and eating a lot more veggies and lower calorie foods. I did some calorie counting and I was well over 2500 calories a day with little to no exercise! No wonder I wasn't losing any weight!
  • I am so happy so many people have joined the group!!! We can do this people, this is an attainable goal! I am going to make another chat "What are you doing to get that 20lbs off" We can all share some tips and maybe our routines of how we plan to get the weight off.
  • Amazing story, and it also sounds extremely frustrating for you! I also have PCOS and for the longest time I weighed 210 pounds. I started eating low calories but could not lose weight at first. I went on an elimination diet and lost 20 pounds (mostly water weight) within the first 2 weeks. My naturopath helped me realize…