Hit 515lb a few weeks ago
Bench 325lb Deadlift 525lb Squat 515lb Working on bringing up my lifts while cutting weight sucks
Brandon lily's the cube
Yeah i did just start to cut gotta give it time and go slow but that isnt any fun lol
No ped's either
5x5 good but you will burn out faster n recovery sucks 5-3-1 better programing for a experienced lifter 5x5 good for building a strong base
Thanks yeah i am playing with my fat intake n carb intake and if i flux to much my workouts drag bigtime i go pretty fast pace to keep a high heart rate
Strange mix but dmx pandora or godsmack pandora both good mix to get down at gym with
Shoulder - OHP side lateral raises face pulls Arnolds Triceps - skull crushers cable push downs weighted dips close grip bench