93gemmac Member


  • Personally I find that sweeteners lead to me craving more sweet things so I avoid them, but its a personal choice
  • Deprivation usually results in intense craving for the 'forbidden' food. Nothing wrong with having a little Coca Cola here and there; no food is intrinsically 'bad', it's the quantities which make it unhealthy...
  • @fgleiser that's good to hear, thanks :) And well done on the progress! @StellaJervis ah, the excuse monster... I have to admit, this is my 3rd attempt at trying C25K and I'm already doing better than the previous attempts so fingers crossed! Try not to listen to other people... Just listen to your body. If it hurts a lot,…
    in C25K Comment by 93gemmac May 2015
  • Gingerbread ready-brek with skimmed milk and a toffee and pecan 'shot' (basically toffee flavoured pecans and dates) because I need to make up some cals and it tastes sooo good :love:
  • If you're eating a balanced diet, I wouldn't worry to be honest. If you start to get symptoms of low potassium such as tingling/pins and needles in your hands and feet, muscle cramping, weakness etc, go get checked out by the doc but really very few people get deficient in potassium without there being another cause…
  • How much weight, and over what timeframe? Remember weight doesn't always mean fat. Could be fluid, could be muscle...
  • Would it help to plan meals and buy what you need on a daily basis/buy single serving amounts and keep the rest out of easy access? I agree that I tend to binge eat if I haven't eaten enough- your body begins to go "Woah wait a second, STARVING. ALL THE FOOD. NOW" What does binge eating really give you? Comfort?…
    in I binge eat Comment by 93gemmac May 2015