Mizz_Mo Member


  • You are helping yourself just by joining and logging on to MFP! Having a clear goal helps as well! I have been on here for a couple of months and dropped one stone (as you would say) - but realize having friends on here to help with accountability is really to the way to go! Feel free to add me if you like and let yourself…
  • We use LOTS of spices and I do log them. I try to log everything that goes past my lips and be accountable (please note the word "try" ;) )
    in Spices Comment by Mizz_Mo July 2015
  • I still have 41 to go. Feel free to add me as well - I see how the support from others really works well here :smile:
  • I have one kid and 40 lbs to go. Feel free to add me as well :smile:
    in Fed Up!!!! Comment by Mizz_Mo July 2015
  • Wow! What is it with the verbal vomit from d-bags?!? I am sorry this is what brought you here - but no doubt you'll find personal success :smile:
  • First off (excuse my French) - but what a couple of d!cks!! Sorry that was your catalyst! Mine was putting on deodorant and realizing I had fat armpits! Weird - but that's what did it for me :)
  • SAHM with a 5 year-old. I still have 40+ to go - but it's going ;)
  • Oh yeah, only one kid - but losing was soooooo much easier back in my 20's vs. 40's!!
  • My friends and I loved doing this our worst award went to 'The Nail Gun Massacre ' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089665/ Really awful...
  • I thought that at first - goes super quick!
  • This is our go to: http://www.thugkitchen.com/roasted_chickpea_broccoli_burrito You will be surprise how freaking good - and filling - this dish is!!! Chickpeas are usually on sale and they come in handy - keep them and other canned beans on hand for quick alternatives. Enjoy!! WARNING: there is LOTS of cussing on this…
  • Awesome :smiley:
  • A trick to offset the bitter in most foods is to use acid - citric juices (limes and lemons) or vinegars. I found balsamic with kale is pretty great - even when sauteing. My aunt would steam the kale and serve it with homemade Italian dressing (heavier on the vinegar) - so freaking gooooood!!! As kids we just loved the…
  • I read this article - thank you for providing the link. However, just like the movie - it is very slanted to one side. The movie is not the end all be all - however, it did have some excellent and valid information! If you haven't seen the movie - you should - then you would have both sides. As a mother - the points made…
  • I'm with you on taking responsibility for our own actions and how we raise our children. I have been reading (in between reading responses) some of the arguments against the movie - and there are valid points. However, the movie had valid points as well and I am not finding a fair and balanced article that points out both…
  • Sugar intake was one aspect of the movie - the other was the relentless advertising that is aimed at us. I am looking to hear from those watched the movie and see what they took away - and what, if any - changes they made.
  • Thank you for providing examples :smile:
  • Thank you - this is some of what I was looking for! As I stated, after watching it - I lowered my sugar goal - which will force me to limit my intake from more fruits/veggies/dairy. Not as much room for the processed sugars. I don't agree with everything from the movie - but there is quite a bit that is true. For example -…
  • Just wondering if you watched the movie. If not, check it out - it isn't dull (otherwise my husband would have been asleep right away - he stayed awake to the end). Just curious - what foods do you consume with added sugar that you feel give you a health benefit that is worth the trade off? Not being snarky - just want an…
  • Just for S&G's watch the movie. It's on Netflix.
  • Yes, MFP does track all. The point I was making - and we are getting away from - it the importance of watching the amount of sugars being ingested. Lowering the amount of sugar from 15% to 10% will force me to ensure the amount of sugars I am ingesting are from fruits/veggies - there is now less room for added processed…
  • Did you watch the movie? One of the points they really drove home was the fact many people are thinking that the amount of sugar they are ingesting doesn't really affect them - but it does. It showed how the brothers of one overweight kid were also unhealthy even though they were not obese (but pretty much eating the same…
  • Yes I do realize that - and most of my sugar intake is from fresh fruits and veggies. No they are not advocating against natural sugars - and the doctors on the movie stressed that point. Watch the movie for S&G's (that's what we initially did). It's really good.
  • Thug Kitchen Roasted Chickpea and Broccoli Burritos! Sooooo yummy!
  • Your body will send hunger signals when it's thirsty as well. Drink a pint of water then wait and see how you feel. My Mom swears Chia Seeds help. She would eat a spoonful and drink water. Said it staved off the starving feeling (she had 50+ to lose).
  • I have been doing Barre 3 online workouts and love them! They are low to no impact and even have workouts where you just stand using a chair for balance. Bonus, they have 10, 30, 40 and 60 minute workouts so if you are short on time you can still squeeze one in! Here is the link for the free trial:…
  • Oh, and they have workouts that are all done while standing and using a chair for balance!
  • Try Barre3 online workouts. I am in the same boat and have been doing them for 3 weeks now and the results have been very inspiring. The workouts are low to no impact and offer modifications for those of us just starting out or with physical limitations. Here is a link for the free trial I used:…
  • Oh, and check out the grilled salad at Thug Kitchen (ignore the cussing - the recipe rocks) in their recipe archives - that is another killer one! http://www.thugkitchen.com/grilled_romaine_hearts_with_avocado_lime_dressing