MandareenDream Member


  • I used to be in this situation. Here's what I did. I got really clear with myself and all of my goals. So everytime my ex would eat something I really would have loved to sink my teeth into like pizza, I'd take a step back and remind myself of all of my goals and how great I will when they are accomplished. You sort of…
  • Awe don't be sad girl! What are you doing in your workouts? I found once I incorporated plyo and strength training into the mix I started losing fat and gaining muscle along with a smaller body. It's more toned then anything. I'm also doing the 80/20 thang. It is more convenient then doing 100% however if you can do it…
  • hey girl! I'm on my last 15 too!!! I think this site is great especially posting on your profile to interact with all your friends on here. It's great to have an online support group full of people with the same goals, ya know? Sending ya a friend request.
  • I used to binge eat. What I found is that there was an emotional trigger for me or I was binging to fill a void in my life. From my experience in order to rid yourself of binging you need to do some internal evaluation and figure out what makes you over eat. :-)
  • I hear you, sister loud and clear!! Feel free and anyone else to friend me on here. Girl, let me tell you!! I have been where you are at! Geez, I was the procrastinating queen! I found every little excuse under the sun to not work on myself. And you know what happened? One day I woke up and I was 210lbs!!! Ugh. I thought,…
  • Wow! Such amazing stories! My story goes like this...I was a super emotional binge eater. Pretty much found and used every excuse to over eat, even on healthy food. I weighed 210lbs for about five years. That was my heaviest. On average I weighed about 175lbs. Anyways it was only until lady year I decided to make the…
  • Girl I have been there. I'll add you. :-)
  • Hey Kim! Welcome to the forum! :)
  • Hi Daisy! I'd love to be your accountability buddy. I've been on my journey for a year now. Lost 60lbs and have about 15lbs to go. I know it doesn't sound like much but it can be a real pain to lose. I find exactly what you are looking for helps. To have people you can count on for support. :-)
  • Hey Maureen! I'd love to chat with you!! The more motivation we can give the better. One of my favorite sayings is, be the high tide that floats all boats! I'm gonna friend request you.
  • Awe girl! Don't lose your spark. I'm brand new here but I can motivate you for sure! Friend request being sent.
  • Louie! Louie! I will be your friend. :)
  • Hi Sherman! I LOVE your positive attitude despite your challenges. The important thing to remember is we all have major obstacles to get over whether it's physical or emotional! What i learned is when losing weight we also have to work on personal development too. I couldn't lose a freaking thing when I wasn't working on…
  • Hey there! I'd love to be there for you on your journey! Let's talk! I'm going to friend request you!
    in hi Comment by MandareenDream April 2015
  • Can I be your friend? :)