
So was on counting calories on 1400 a day doing well lost all weight and then started binging so went off app for few week felt gross so back on what would be the right amount of calories for 5foot 5 female 8 stone


  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    It started of sweets at Christmas like chocolates and biscuits the binges have calmed I now find my self over eating at times on cereal I came off counting but felt like was letting myself gain weight so gone back on it now
  • MandareenDream
    MandareenDream Posts: 17 Member
    I used to binge eat. What I found is that there was an emotional trigger for me or I was binging to fill a void in my life. From my experience in order to rid yourself of binging you need to do some internal evaluation and figure out what makes you over eat. :-)
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    I think from what I learnt since December it was the guilt of having treat foods and then feeling guilty about it and was then gasping for food so l let myself eat more and include foods which has helped alot but my weight gone up few pounds I'm hoping I can just add some treats to my allowance and try not focus on my weight has that's another trigger weigh my self
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    Yes going to try reduce the carbs