willking618 Member


  • Not really. It's not that great. Anyone could do it
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • .
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • This is exactly my point
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • I'm not just as I wasn't in school but 16 year old me was a half decent runner/ sprinter at short and short medium distance without being serious about it. Used to be able to run a mile in around 5:30 without even trying or training for it. 7 years of little exercise later I'm just trying to get reasonable fitness again .…
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Because its good to be good at things
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • This is true. I could have just googled it anyway lol
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Running farther and faster whilst drunk is my no1 goal. Its what I live for
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Curiosity.
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Yeah I'm not that serious about running really. Im not built for distance and the main reason I started was to lose weight. Not looking for a runners physic also if you know what I mean. just wanted to know how slow i was just to improve a bit. Not looking to enter any races either. Thanks for all the advice though.
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • P.s I'm a lot better at rowing than running.PB of 6:40 2000m erg
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • I welcome the advice as I'm on no way in the know on any of this but isn't pushing yourself to the limit every time you workout the way to achieve this. I lift weights and spend and hour on the treadmill and an hour on the concept 2 5 days a week. 3 months in I've dropped 2 stone and gone from not being able to runfor even…
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Did wonder about this. Tried to run against my nephew this Saturday gone (bare in mind I was drunk at the time) and I was pretty destroyed after absolutely no time at all. I blamed it on being drunk as you do but maybe what you said is true for me aswell. Need to run outside more
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Plus my treadmill slips and squeels and is impossible to run on on anything other than 7% Ok thanks for the advice. I'll start to run outdoors more and see how it goes
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • What im trying to do is get a 7% incline time that would be respectable on the flat (say 25 mins) so as when i run on the flat it will be much faster and easier. My view is I'll get fitter and stronger faster this way
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Haha so I'm still really slow. This is all I wanted to know. A lot more effort is needed
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Cheers mate this is pretty much what I was looking for to begin with lol
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • I appreciate what you are saying I was just looking for an answer to whether it was better worse or average. I'm not happy with just beating my last time. I'm just curious where I am now relative to age sex weight etc and want to be closer to the best in that bracket. I have that info now though but cheers for the reply…
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Yes the apparent swear word that is covered is another word for cigarette btw
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • Yeah I meant good compared to average. I obviously know its nowhere near good for a keen athlete and for an obese 40 *kitten* a day 60 year old alcoholic it would be an Olympic feat lol
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015
  • One thing it does help with though is calf and tendon strenth.
    in 5k Comment by willking618 May 2015