LadyFencer Member


  • If you are eating healthful foods and getting enough calories, you are getting enough protein. There is absolutely no question about that. If people don't feel well on a vegan diet, they assume it's a lack of protein, but that's because Americans have a weird protein fetish. Not everyone loses weight on a vegan diet…
  • Um, those studies don't all say that. Are you counting on people not reading them? I read scientific studies for a living so I'm well aware of problems with reporting in mainstream press. The mouse studies (there are more than one Jeff) aren't that easily dismissed. Also, I looked up info on sumo wrestlers. Like all…
  • OP, Google "mouse studies meal timing weight gain" for actual scientific studies rather than thoughts on message boards. Meal timing matters. 'Cause science.
  • Such as?
  • You're welcome atekura. Shell, I haven't seen it on this thread, but I've seen it in many others. There has already been misinformation (blood tests every three months!) on this thread. I would also suggest looking for a local vegetarian or vegan support group. Those can be invaluable. There is a learning curve for sure,…
  • There were some recent mouse studies showing that mice gained weight more if they didn't have a long period of fasting. The mice that either stayed the same or lost (I forget which) stopped eating earlier in the day, even with the same calorie intake. So it's not true that calories are calories no matter when you eat them.…
  • If you're letting yourself have a treat, think about your own preferences. If I'm going someplace with good bread, I would rather have bread and skip dessert. I agree that the best plan is to log calories in advance. If you can't do that, commit to logging everything as well as you can no matter what. If you go over, don't…
  • Check out websites and There are many websites with information on how to be a healthy vegan. Do not take nutritional advice from non-vegans. They generally rely on discredited myths, which they will defend to the death. You do need a B12 supplement, but it's not an emergency. The body stores B12. You…
  • Are you trying to bring your blood pressure down as well? If so, switching to commercial substitutes might not do it or do enough for your cholesterol. They can be high in fat and salt. I got my blood pressure down on a vegan diet but I had to be rigid about added fat. I'm not trying to discourage you from trying. I just…
  • Acting superior is by no means limited to vegans (and even if it were, that has nothing to do with the value of the diet). Every time this comes up in mainstream media I see at least as many obnoxious omnivores who keep making the same tired supposedly clever jokes over and over. And on this site I just haven't seen vegans…
  • And I think it sets carbs too low. So we can probably safely say "correct" macros are controversial. If that concerns you, research it yourself. If it doesn't, just focus on calories. I assume they don't differentiate types of sugar because nutrition labels don't, but I find that really frustrating.
  • Got it. Thanks. Personally I don't need to be that accurate.
  • You're right. It's not. But why say that every single time? When someone asks about Paleo, I figure that's what they want to know about and I stay out of it. I don't try to use their question to push my own agenda. Plus people who answer questions about vegan diets often don't know anything about them. So they end up…
  • Some people seem to be here to make sure anyone who wants to try a vegan diet will be told it's not necessary.
  • I don't understand why you need a scale to weigh the whole thing. If you add in the individual ingredients you just need to divide by the number of servings.
  • If I go back to a vegan diet I'll take B12. Otherwise only if my doctor discovers an actual deficiency. I think they're dangerous. Food contains thousands of micronutrients we don't understand. Studies of beta carotene in isolation were stopped because it increased cancer risk. More is not always better.
  • The term "nutritionist" has no legal meaning. You can call yourself a nutritionist. Is she a registered dietitian? If not, can you talk to the person in charge about her credentials? People like that really harm the field of nutritional science.
    in Save Me Comment by LadyFencer May 2015
  • Ok- actual tip: If you like sardines at all, mash up a can with a little mustard and green onion. Eat on crackers or toast. Yum.
  • PTs may not know about nutrition. I had one who didn't know most grocery store "wheat" bread is basically white bread with food coloring. He was shocked when I showed him the fiber content.
  • My American Heritage dictionary defines meat as "the edible flesh of animals as distinguished from fish or poultry." The third definition includes fruit, eggs, and nuts. You've probably heard of nut meat. I believe that older definitions include all non-liquid foods. That would include references to "meat and drink" in the…
  • Excess protein stresses your kidneys. It is definitely not a case of the more the better. The American emphasis on protein has weird historical origins and is based on rat studies. I believe human breast milk is about 5 percent protein. That is for the period in your life when you're growing the most. Excess of a nutrient…
  • Try googling "easy vegan recipes". You can also Google "easy milk-free recipes", but you will probably get more variety searching vegan.
  • Sure. If you set some arbitrary goal you might not reach it. I was referring only to the dietary needs of human beings. Body builder or not, nobody needs that much. Some body builders achieve their goals with steroids. That doesn't mean they need them. Do you really think God or evolution designed you to need a highly…
  • Never said it didn't exist before- just that there's an even bigger need to unload it now.
  • It's totally doable, but specific advice depends on what you're worried about. For liquid milk, I like almond milk best, but if you don't like the flavor, there are many other options. I have learned to like pizza without cheese. You can get other suggestions at It's great that you're trying to breastfeed as…
  • I'll adjust slightly to clarify. If you are eating real food and not junk and you are getting enough calories, it is virtually impossible to be getting too little protein. That is a fact.
  • It is a byproduct of manufacturing cheese and yogurt. The popularity of Greek yogurt in particular has created a huge excess of it, so it's become very important to convince people they need it. Don't fall for the hype. You get plenty of protein from real food.
  • I also don't like the word cheat. This is not a moral issue and you create your own program. The question is how it affects you. If you can eat more than your normally allotted calories and get back on track, go for it. Personally I would do my best to count everything even if I was way over. That would keep me from being…
  • If you are eating non-junk food and getting enough calories, it is virtually impossible to be deficient in protein. Vegans do need to supplement with b12. Check for solid nutritional info and links. has a vegan kickstart with nutritional info and recipes. Fake meats can be handy transition foods but they…
  • Thanks. Do you have a general oil/vinegar proportion? Also, how long does it keep? I appreciate your looking up the thread, but it seems mostly about bottled dressing.