Any Vegans trying to lose weight or have lost weight

I am 5'1 and currently 131lbs i used to be 113lbs and have been feeling depressed over this and i would like to become a vegan because i read what benefits it has had on other people. Lately I havent had motivation to just about anything let alone eat healthy. Just looking for some advice on how to lose weight on a vegan diet


  • madeleadele
    madeleadele Posts: 64 Member
    If you're looking to lose weight don't go vegan just for the health benefits. As someone who experimented with this in a committed year-long stretch of veganism, I can honestly say I wouldn't do it again. Vegan food is not necessarily healthy food, which is something people often forget. OREOS are vegan, many chips are vegan. Add to this the fact that getting the proper nutrients (protein, mostly) is incredibly hard on a vegan diet, and if you're not committed and motivated to maintaining a balanced diet you will cave, eat a ton of oreos, or dairy-free bread or something because you weren't getting a proper balance of nutrients, and feel awful that "even on a vegan diet I'm still fat" (a common sentiment I had after said bread-binges).

    So my advice: don't go vegan to lose weight. Yes, you feel invincible and have a built-in defense against caloric cakes or donuts that people offer you, but it's hard. Incredibly hard, and not worth doing unless you're willing to put in the research and time it takes to maintain a balanced vegan diet.
  • demonnachos38
    demonnachos38 Posts: 8 Member
    Are you a vegetarian now or do you eat meat? I have watched all of those videos about how animals are treated and it makes me feel guilty to where i dont want to eat at all or i get really depressed when i eat. I really dont know what to do): The first time around when i ate meat i ate chicken a lot and lost 30lbs and gained muscle.
  • madeleadele
    madeleadele Posts: 64 Member
    I went back to eating meat. Don't regret it at all, but it's certainly not for everyone!

    Are you getting enough protein right now? How many grams of protein do you eat a day?
  • demonnachos38
    demonnachos38 Posts: 8 Member
    oh gosh i dont even know. I consider myself to be a vegetarian . I still eat cheese. I prob get around 30 grams of protein or less a day . everything is going to my butt and thighs:p
  • madeleadele
    madeleadele Posts: 64 Member
    Vegetarians eat dairy. But you need a LOT more protein - think 70g and up.

    What do and don't you eat?

    Off the top of my head, for protein I'd suggest: greek yogurt, eggs, light string cheese, nuts, protein powder, grains (think brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, oats/oatmeal), tofu!, beans, edamame (also technically a bean). I love quest bars - check them out. Also investigate frozen veggie burgers with high protein content, and meat alternatives like seitan (which is delicious barbecued).
  • demonnachos38
    demonnachos38 Posts: 8 Member
    I am thinking about buying organic chicken and such and getting my cheese locally made. I dont really like eggs anymore. I eat yogurt. Beans of course. I used to eat a lot of cliff bars. I have veggie burgers in the freezer they are 17g or protein. oatmeal and rice and i drink homemade kefir in the mornings with protein powder
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    You really don't HAVE to eat meat in order to lose weight, but vegan may be a challenge. I eat vegetarian and it's possible. To help with protein, I do eat a lot of eggs (usually 2 a day or every other day), but there are many other options as well. Beans, lentils, cheese, nuts, seeds (like chia), tofu/seitan/etc.

    If you want to eat chicken, that's totally fine! However, I don't think you have to feel boxed into anything in particular.
  • chandelierbee
    chandelierbee Posts: 95 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for...going on 2 months. I've found it easy bc I do feel guilty about eating animals and I own a lot. But any who if I were to go vegan. I'd be a pain in the *kitten* for my family and friends to accommodate me. Unless your allergic to everything then there's no point going vegan. I eat 4 eggs a day, quest bars, bean dip, cheese, almonds, almond milk, quinoa and tons of leafy greens and that's where I get my protein regularly. My poor mom has to buy me so many eggs, I feel like a nuisance but at least I don't have to check all the ingredients like vegans have to. My only limit is meat. But I've found alternatives like the veggie burgers that have almost same amount of protein, healthier all around and tastes good (morning star veggie patty is the healthiest and my fav). And being vegetarian, my friends still think I'm a pain the butt bc I'm the one eating raw salads and they're all eating burgers. I've been losing 2 pounds every week. Friend me if you want support or more advice.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited July 2015
  • tdrgirl
    tdrgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for...going on 2 months. I've found it easy bc I do feel guilty about eating animals and I own a lot. But any who if I were to go vegan. I'd be a pain in the *kitten* for my family and friends to accommodate me. Unless your allergic to everything then there's no point going vegan. I eat 4 eggs a day, quest bars, bean dip, cheese, almonds, almond milk, quinoa and tons of leafy greens and that's where I get my protein regularly. My poor mom has to buy me so many eggs, I feel like a nuisance but at least I don't have to check all the ingredients like vegans have to. My only limit is meat. But I've found alternatives like the veggie burgers that have almost same amount of protein, healthier all around and tastes good (morning star veggie patty is the healthiest and my fav). And being vegetarian, my friends still think I'm a pain the butt bc I'm the one eating raw salads and they're all eating burgers. I've been losing 2 pounds every week. Friend me if you want support or more advice.
    RodaRose wrote: »
    RodaRose wrote: »

  • tdrgirl
    tdrgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I went pesca vegetarian for 2 years and went vegan almost a year ago. Love it.
  • donalynvaughn
    donalynvaughn Posts: 23 Member
    I am vegan and losing. I went on the Shred Diet by Dr. Ian Smith a year ago and lost 75 pounds (I am up 2 pounds this week coming off vacation). I gradually started making the transition to a plant-based diet in January - cutting beef and chicken first and then finally dairy and lastly fish. I was losing really good until I went to the beach, and I really ate way too much fat while down there (too many avocados and nuts) and too many meat replacement products - all of which are high in fat. You can lose weight at a healthy pace switching to a plant based diet, but you cannot eat everything you want (just so long as it's vegan) like some claim. A vegan diet that is low fat is lower in calories because plant-based foods are lower in calories, but if you eat oils and processed vegan foods, you will find that the weight does not come off and you may even gain. I highly recommend any of the following books to help you get started - Dr. John McDougall's The Starch Solution, the Forks Over Knives book, or Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live.
  • ano463s
    ano463s Posts: 21 Member
    You can lose on whatever dietary restrictions you have... But I agree that simply eating vegan/vegetarian/low fat/low carb/low sodium/low sugar/etc won't want independently mean that you're going to lose weight.

    But, that said, even if you're vegetarian, you don't have to eat a carton of eggs a day to get your protein if you're concerned about the ethical considerations or just dislike eggs. Take a look at all of the suggestions about protein sources, and just try to choose ones that fit into what you'd choose to eat normally, then maybe try an extra thing each week to see if you like it. Also, remember that you don't need to purchase each of the items pre-made... you can pretty cheaply and easily make several things (I'm looking at you, seitan!), and that way you can season them up however you prefer.

    I'm certainly not perfect, but feel free to add me and take a look at my diary. Or ask about it on your activity feed, and you'll probably have some vegetarians or even vegans there who have open diaries, which can give you ideas.
  • tattooed_mom
    tattooed_mom Posts: 10 Member
    I went vegan about 3 months ago. Yes there are a lot of highly processed food that are considered vegan (oreos), but I don't eat that stuff. I eat a whole foods. Check out the book called Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman. You eat unlimited fruits and veggies, at least a cup of beans a day, 1 oz of nuts. We do not require as much protein as people think.
  • chels1126
    chels1126 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the above in that we don't need nearly as much protein as people think and a lot of people are actually getting too much. You should definitely incorporate protein, such as tofu, beans, nuts and the occasional veggie burger if you like. You can definitely lose weight as a vegan/vegetarian, I have been one and find it hard to NOT lose weight because I tend to eat a lot healthier when I don't eat meat or dairy.
  • lilithXrei
    lilithXrei Posts: 11 Member
    I'm ovo-vegetarian. For me, it's 100% about the ethics behind it. I go to a local farm for my eggs, etc. If you are just looking into veganism for weight loss, I'd recommend instead limiting your meat. Try having less in your diet, but supplement where you'd be lacking protein with tofu or other meat alternatives. Personally, I know I'm dangerously lacking in protein (I'm trying to work on doing better with protein). Veganism is a process, and you can definitely have a balanced vegan diet, but it takes planning. As others have mentioned, vegan =/= healthy. There are a lot of junk foods that are vegan.
  • Katzedernacht
    Katzedernacht Posts: 266 Member
    Go vegan if you feel it's right for you,not cos it's a "weight loss plan" I'm an ethical vegan,was a vegetarian for 13 years,and while yes, many vegan ok food is junkish, most is not,like vegetables,fruits,seeds and legumes lol
    it's all about what you choose to eat and of course, you may eat more of everything, at least I eat a lot and I've been gaining muscle and shedding fat, so it can coexist, such things.

    I easily hit my protein goal, so yeah it's not as "bad" or hard as it seems, it's different yeah,but it's all perfect, if you really want to,otherwise,just as a diet,don't do it. Cos well I don't believe in diets, try to like form good habits and all that
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have been vegan for nine years and I recently lost 35 pounds.

    Veganism isn't a "diet," there are vegans of all shapes and sizes. Veganism is an ethical response to animal exploitation. It's possible to lose weight as a vegan, but many people maintain (and some people even gain).
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I got up to my highest weight as a vegan. I got down to my lowest weight as a vegan. It all boils down to CICO.

    I wholeheartedly second this. I do not recommend going vegan for a "diet". Having been vegan for a long time. almost 10 years now, I realize that most of the popular conceptions of veganism are flat out not true. Veganism is not a lose weight quick plan, it's a lifestyle. I do not recommend that you do anything that you cannot maintain forever. If that means that you eat meat, then by all means, eat meat. Eat what you want and what is easy for you because the likelihood that you will stick to a restrictive diet for the long haul and actually learn healthy long term dietary lessons is slim to none if the program is too difficult or restrictive.

    I don't think everyone should be vegan, by any means... not unless the lifestyle is your choice, and for reasons that you will maintain.

    Good luck on your journey, but don't make a restrictive decision if you know it won't last forever. You want success in your weight loss journey, not restrictions that lead to feelings of deprivation that lead to "falling off the wagon".

  • demonnachos38
    demonnachos38 Posts: 8 Member
    I got up to my highest weight as a vegan. I got down to my lowest weight as a vegan. It all boils down to CICO.

    what is CICO
  • demonnachos38
    demonnachos38 Posts: 8 Member
    I got up to my highest weight as a vegan. I got down to my lowest weight as a vegan. It all boils down to CICO.

    I wholeheartedly second this. I do not recommend going vegan for a "diet". Having been vegan for a long time. almost 10 years now, I realize that most of the popular conceptions of veganism are flat out not true. Veganism is not a lose weight quick plan, it's a lifestyle. I do not recommend that you do anything that you cannot maintain forever. If that means that you eat meat, then by all means, eat meat. Eat what you want and what is easy for you because the likelihood that you will stick to a restrictive diet for the long haul and actually learn healthy long term dietary lessons is slim to none if the program is too difficult or restrictive.

    I don't think everyone should be vegan, by any means... not unless the lifestyle is your choice, and for reasons that you will maintain.

    Good luck on your journey, but don't make a restrictive decision if you know it won't last forever. You want success in your weight loss journey, not restrictions that lead to feelings of deprivation that lead to "falling off the wagon".
    I am thinking about eating meat again because when I did i certainly weighed less than i do now with out even excersing

  • hornseyme
    hornseyme Posts: 86 Member
    Relying on Oreos and other processed foods will not help weight loss at all but you guys know that.
    Just go with what works for your body.
    I compete well with what I eat. I place well in races, weightlift and circuit train every week. I also practice Ashtanga and bikram yoga daily.
    No judgement if you want to eat animal products or don't. Really look at what things you are eating and see if they are of benefit.
  • demonnachos38
    demonnachos38 Posts: 8 Member
    I dont eat oreo or processed foods as much anymore
  • LadyFencer
    LadyFencer Posts: 51 Member
    If you are eating healthful foods and getting enough calories, you are getting enough protein. There is absolutely no question about that. If people don't feel well on a vegan diet, they assume it's a lack of protein, but that's because Americans have a weird protein fetish. Not everyone loses weight on a vegan diet though. Some people gain. If you want to go vegan, go to specifically vegan websites. For weight loss, try Happy Herbivore or John McDougall. Google vegan calorie density. MFP is packed with people who have lots of opinions about veganism, but no actual knowledge. They're going to trash me now. The claims people on this site make about protein are absurd.