Vegetarian protein

My PT gave me an insane diet plan of 40% protein and 25% carbs. I'm vegetarian. Without drinking 6 protein shakes a day, I'm struggling to figure out how to do this. (Today I "splurged" with a salad for lunch?! I never thought I'd see the day when spinach and lettuce was not perfectly ok?)

Even with two protein shakes today I'm sitting at 105 g carbs and only 81 g protein.

I asked her for protein suggestions, but I don't think she understands vegetarian as a challenge. yes, beans have protein, but only about 25% protein to carb ratio.

So..aside from cheese, eggs, yogurt, and protein powder, what vegetarian protein sources are out there that are actually more protein than carbs? Edamame squeaks in...please help me expand my options!


  • Oh, I wish I could help you. I'm a vegetarian too, and it seems like we have to choose between fats (nuts) or carbs (beans). On days I hit my protein goal I try to remember what combos worked, and they're usually not the days I carefully pack super healthy breakfast and lunch! I dislike yogurt but I try to eat .25 cup of Greek yogurt everyday, most times with a spoonful of sugar free jam. One "meal" I like is low fat cottage cheese with low fat bean dip and hot sauce eaten with celery and carrots. Most days I struggle to reach my goal of 20% protein.

    Maybe you can do some research on veg athlete diets and try to explain your problem to your PT. Of course I don't know what your fitness goals are, but it kinda concerns me that she seems to be overlooking your individual diet challenges. Anyway, good luck!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I agree about doing some research and teaching vegetarianism to your PT:

    Here is Joel Furhman on the Vegan Athlete:

  • Brittni__duh
    Brittni__duh Posts: 34 Member
    Have you tried tofu, tempeh, or seitan? They're great for protein. Also, if you're lacto-ovo, eggs and unsweetened Greek yogurt are great sources as well.
  • toholio
    toholio Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe you could add a plant based protein powder to other meals? I know that's not ideal but I'd imagine some pea protein isolate (or other protein) mixed into a vegetable soup will feel more like "real food" than a straight protein shake.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    edited February 2015
    That sounds like an unreasonable goal, especially for a vegetarian diet. Do you have a specific health issue that you are trying to address, and was this prescribed specifically for that reason? Does your PT have a degree in nutrition, or just a certificate they printed out online? What do they have against carbs? Have they given you a link to information on this, with cited sources that come from clinical trials or peer reviewed papers?

    Everything I've read when run against these numbers tells me that is more protein than you would require for a healthy diet, including trying to bulk and gain muscle. I shoot for between 15% - 20% and eat a 100% vegan diet. I have had success with bulking and cutting.

    I tend to get my protein from lentils, nuts, beans, seeds, oats, etc. Here is an MFP group that you might be interested in:

    Best of luck to you!!!

    (note: I have neither a degree in nutrition nor a certificate I printed out online.) :)
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Why is your PT running your diet? lol
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks guys! Not sure why I missed all these posts when they were made!

    Since having given up on trying to be strict about it, I'm back to like 20%. And I find that trying to increase the protein puts me over my calorie goals (I've since gained weight, so trying to drop a few pounds again.) May just try going back to trying to 'eat healthy' and 'within calorie range'. Maybe it's not the best, but it didn't seem harmful to me before (though if I could gather more energy, that would be fantastic).
  • LadyFencer
    LadyFencer Posts: 51 Member
    PTs may not know about nutrition. I had one who didn't know most grocery store "wheat" bread is basically white bread with food coloring. He was shocked when I showed him the fiber content.