lpadancer Member


  • Twice a week is great and I'm sure this will be very beneficial for her. I would not, however, consider this to be a major change in activity level. Activity level generally refers to how many steps one might take in a day, with the sedentary level being anything under 5,000 steps. Added intentional exercise is great, but…
  • -Needing to lose 10-15lbs and not eating enough don't compute. You do not lose weight by eating more calories then you ate accumulating those extra 10-15lbs unless there is a major change in activity level. Starvation mode and shut down metabolisms aren't real things. -I would try to be less judgmental about her food…
  • I have had Mirena through my entire ~60lb weight loss and am continuing to lose as expected. If anything, birth control might make a person a bit hungrier or temporarily retain water - it does not make us gain weight. Stick to your calorie goals and you will be just fine.
  • The body can only pull a certain amount of energy from each fat cell each day. As you lose fat and get closer to your goal weight, it is smart to taper your rate of loss so that your body does not need to pull (excessive) energy from lean body mass that it cannot source from your fat stores. When you are already at a…
  • I could be wrong, but this calculator does not seem to decrease calories eaten as the BMR decreases. You're right in that you can't just take 1000 calories off your current intake, never adjust that number, and expect to lose at the same rate. Of course it slows down. You need to adjust your intake to the needs of your…
  • Hi! You said that your calorie intake recommendation was 1200. Do you have your account set for a 2lb/week loss? Lots of people have success losing around 1lb/week (or less!). Remember that you are in this for the long haul and want to establish habits that carry into life after weight loss. If a smaller loss each week is…
  • I think the 'clean eating' label is a misguided symbol of pridefulness for some. I often see it being used while referencing 'cheat' days/meals, exceptions to individualized yet muddy rules, etc. While I'm sure this works great for some to drop weight, I don't think it is a good idea to develop a binary of good/bad,…
  • Agreed. I think it is very dangerous to glamorize this way of eating and thinking about food (both for yourself and others).
  • It is definitely an adjustment! My way of logging has totally evolved as I've learned to be more accurate. There are things I do now (just having the food scale, really!), that I would have thought were crazy when I started. The clementine/banana/whatever peels would have totally fallen into that category for me as well.…
  • I'll add that it is helpful to stop thinking of weighing your food as a chore, and start seeing an accurate log as a very valuable tool.
  • Just a heads up--today is Monday and you have logged quite a few things in a way that suggest inaccurate logging. Your clementines? They should be weighed (without the peel, if you'd like to take on that next step). Same for your Healthy Choice lunch. Prepackaged food weights can be way off from what you find on the label.…
  • Hey there--sorry you have been feeling this way for so long. I have also experienced issues with digestion and over the course of several years saw different doctors (and types of doctors) about it, was prescribed different medications, and saw no real improvement. I was, however, under extreme stress throughout this…
  • I had a sort of understanding of it all, but the numbers/mechanics of weight loss and what that actually looks like in the day to day were foreign to me. I think if I had known how fun the meal planning, weighing of food, graphing, etc. would be for my OCD-inclined mind, I'd have jumped on the train far sooner. I'm really…
  • I've noticed that where I had normal looking stretch marks on my inner thighs and elsewhere, some became a darker/reddish color. I kind of wrote it off as healing skin and haven't paid a lot of attention to it since. Looking at it now, I think it has become less noticable and that has been as I've continued losing weight.
  • I've found that having a plan for the day helps immensely! It's the days that I don't think ahead before picking up snacks that I cave and grab something that blows my calories out of the water in one shot (a pint of Ben and Jerry's, splitting a whole pizza with my boyfriend, etc.). An awesome ice cream alternative that…
  • Hi all--a first post, but I've lurked for several months now. Some have written along the same vein...Why is he not logging himself? Not to say you can't lose weight sans tracking, but making a personal commitment to log on a site such as MFP (and browse the forums, learn the lingo, develop a radar for bullsh**, etc.)…