lmew91 Member


  • Sometimes I go on my hour break; the gym is like 5 min from my work. I change, walk on the treadmill for about 35 min, then change back into my work clothes. It's basically just to get some movement and steps for the day; I don't really sweat at all. I wouldn't attempt a "real workout" within the hour because I wouldn't…
  • I agree that they are not necessary, but can be a quick and easy source of protein. I like to add a half serving to my iced coffee, or a full serving in my oatmeal. I LOVE Bowmar Nutrition- they have some rather unique flavors and they mix very well in just a shaker cup. I think they're more on the expensive side though. I…
  • It might make more sense to you/ make your diary look more appropriate to your way of thinking if you set your activity level to "active" instead of sedentary. MFP won't "add" as many calories, but there will be more calories to begin with per day. It all amounts to the same thing, but if it's the amount of added calories…
  • I am a 5'5 28 year old female, currently 140ish lbs. My activity is set at slightly active because I work a desk job but am fairly active outside work hours. I would like to lose about 10-ish pounds, so my goal is set at .5 lb/week. Some weeks I lose more like .3 lbs, some weeks about 1 lb; weight loss won't be linear…
  • I gained and lost weight on a birth control pill. It was my eating habits, not the pill, that made the difference. Still on the same pill, having lost about 35 lbs.
  • I started with a cheaper brand from Sam's first, to see how I liked it and if I noticed any difference before committing more money. I noticed that my nails seemed to grow faster/stronger and my hair was growing pretty fast. Also a little clearer skin, though I've also improved my skin routine as I've gotten older so that…
  • I do agree that often when I scan a UPC, the data matches the product package, but isn't in grams. So then I *sigh* search it instead. Scanning the UPC would be more convenient if I could scan then enter the number of grams for the amount I'm eating. I'm in the US; not sure if this differs across the board.
  • I walk on my breaks at work too. I've noticed that several work out programs, even strength training programs, will include an at-home workout guide along with one that's more tailored for the gym. I have the Strong Curves book, for example, and it includes exercises to use in place of the ones you'd need gym equipment…
  • Yes I second the weight trend app suggestion. I fluctuate quite a bit from day-to-day, depending on what I've eaten, the quantity, TOM, etc. Looking at overall trends instead of day-to-day comparison might make you feel better :)
  • I'm not familiar with the copper coil but could this be a hormonal response causing temporary water retention? You said it's been a few months so I guess it's pretty unlikely that it's still just water retention...
  • Magnesium supplement at night before bed and a cup of coffee in the morning works for me... but everyone is different. Also @Rocknut53 Preach!! Edited to add: I do eat about 30-35g fiber every day, and a decent amount of fats varying from day to day. So it's not like I'm relying on just the above-mentioned things.
  • I like the competition, it pushes me to do more than I would have if I knew nobody else would see. I like achieving new goals and beating people :p But I also have to take a step back sometimes, like if I'm not feeling well, and remind myself that I don't have to win EVERY challenge.
  • Whew... I'm 5'5 and about 132 lbs, and I can easily lose on 1400 cal/ day NET (meaning I eat most of my exercise calories- so that's 1400 minimum, if I didn't exercise at all that day.)
  • I do pretty much everything that's already been mentioned, trying to find a reasonable entry to use. Like, one chicken wing most likely isn't 25 cal, but it's most likely not 500 cal either. I find something in between that seems reasonable, and sometimes try to log a little extra than the amount I *think* I ate, because…
  • Yes; my gym is right next to my work, which is about 45 min from my house. I don't wash my hair every day, so I don't have to bring a hair dryer... I wear my gym clothes/shoes there, and in my gym bag I bring- towel, wash cloth, shower shoes, face wash and shower gel with a plastic bag to put the wet stuff in after I…
  • I lost 30 lbs, which for me was several clothing sizes. Some shirts and dresses I can still wear, depending on the style. I keep what I can still wear, but I did get rid of some things that were just too big and didn't look right on me. Especially pants that were hanging on my frame or falling off. I think it's personal…
  • I live in Florida, so no... I don't really have the option of keeping food in my car, even if I wanted to! Which I don't. :D
  • I second Secret Clinical. I love Dove dry spray, but it does NOT work for me in the summer (I live in FL,) or during a work out.
  • I make overnight oats with protein powder, milk of choice (usually unsweetened cashew for me,) 40g quick cook oatmeal. Sometimes I add a little peanut butter, or fruit, or low sugar jam, etc. Sometimes grated zucchini if I have it. Sometimes I just mix the powder, oats and milk up, then let it sit overnight. This is a…
  • I like overnight oatmeal (40g oatmeal, one serving protein powder, 1/2c whatever type of milk you prefer, and whatever else you might want to add in.) I put the dry ingredients in mason jars at the beginning of the week, then add the milk, fruit, peanut butter, whatever else, the night before. Some combinations I like…
  • I think that the sooner you accept the fact that they scale won't show a lower number than the day before every time you step on it, the happier you will be. :) This has been my experience. I focus more on how I look in the mirror or how clothes feel, because sometimes I'll feel on fire, my eating has been on point for the…
  • I weigh out the amount of grams listed on the package per serving. For example: 1 tbsp= 16g= 100 cal (just making this up.) I would weigh out 16g, versus using a tablespoon to measure it. So, sometimes my food log may show "1 tbsp" but really I weighed it.
  • Have you ever tried stevia in your coffee? I like it as a sugar alternative, but I know that it's not for everyone. I've heard that some people don't like the aftertaste, or it gives them headaches, etc. I have also used sugar free french vanilla creamer before and I thought it tasted just as good in my coffee as the…
  • I can't provide any insight, because I've "only" lost 30 pounds. (Almost 20% of my beginning weight.)
  • Sometimes I have a protein shake after my gym session... and then I have my real breakfast. I don't use them to replace a meal. Also, I guess is depends on what kind you get, but the protein powder I use isn't cheap, so I don't know how it would save you money. If it were me, I'd have to add a lot to the shake to make it…
  • I wanted to look good for my wedding, because that's one day that you can't re-do. I didn't want to look at the pictures 5-10 years later and be embarrassed or wish I had tried harder to look nice. Maybe a little vain, but true. I want to take good care of my body so that I age well and feel good physically and mentally…
  • Same here. I don't like getting up early but I do it a few days out of the week because it's a great start to my day, and I have fitness goals. I love to walk, and I do walk a lot, but that alone won't help me reach the goals that I have. So I make a few small modifications to my life, such as waking up earlier to go to…
    in Lost Comment by lmew91 May 2017
  • I wake up at 4:20 AM to go to the gym before work. It's important to me, and I prefer to work out in the AM, versus trusting myself to still be motivated to go the gym after work and not go straight home. Different people have different preferences. I also drive 45 minutes to work. My gym is right around the corner from my…
    in Lost Comment by lmew91 May 2017
  • I can relate. Since I have entered maintenance, I've noticed that I still want to be really careful with how many calories I consume during the day (while at work.) So I space it out, and I'm not hungry really during the day, but my stomach starts to growl as I'm driving home. By the time I get home, I'm prowling the…
  • I did one a little over a year ago, and I did well with it. I haven't done any since then, only because I don't have a lot to lose, so I didn't think I'd be able to lose the required percentage within the time frame. I definitely couldn't now. But, if you have a decent amount to lose, I think it's a great motivator. I…
    in Diet bet Comment by lmew91 May 2017