I'm in
Vafa beans hummus lentil red and green .. also chickpeas are some good source of protein if you need any recipes feel free to message me
Ok it has been like 4 months since I am drinking green tea everyday morning before any thing else and there is no change
i ride it everywhere and no i guess
cosmetic products :*
request accepted
allrecipe its so easy
replace it with another thing that you do love too
i have the same problem but i try to add much sauce and less fish some nice green veggies and just try to forget about the fish in it so you could eat some and take the vitamines
Ok <3
Ok maybe
My question is does everyone get tired soon or the problem is in my body
Hello im new here
I dont know still how to add but I WANNA add you
Whish you a blessed marriage and hope you look fabulous on that day
You just have to make your choice be strong and planned.. Race the time dont make a last minute plan
Hello everybody.. Feel free to add me im back and new here
Drink plenty of water, try tummy exercise and maintain your food taking .. try not to stay calm at all keep moving in your placedncing is an amazing way to lose fat