StephanieShankaran Member


  • Thank you everyone!! And I totally didn't realize my spelling error of quinoa!! Lol
  • @Merkavar well the thing is I understand I'm under eating, but I don't feel hungry. I eat my three meals and that's it, I don't snack in between anymore, because I'm always feeling full.
  • When you eat 20 or under carbs it tells you that you need to cut out a lot of veggies and fruits. They say you can eat a lot of spinach and meats and heavy creams. And yes they did give me warnings that's why I wasn't able to complete any of my days @Merkavar
  • @WBB55 thanks!:)
  • @WBB55 thanks! I didn't even realize. I mean obviously I know I'm not eating enough calories but I just never know what to eat without going over my carbs. I'm so focused on not going over my carbs that I don't realize how many calories I'm eating. Thanks for the help!:) if you have any food ideas on what to eat that's…
  • Well my carb intake is 15-20g a day. And since I started my ketosis my caloric intake went down a lot because I'm never really hungry and I never know what to eat. I eat at the most 900 calories in a day @WBB55
  • I read every single comment, and thank to those who are happy for me and the ones who are bashing my weight loss journey didn't even have to comment. Luckily I'm a positive person and it doesn't bother me, I read a lot about this diet and watched others around me do it so I decided "what the heck might as well give it a…
  • @middlehaitch thank you:)
  • @GaleHawkins thank you so much!! I'm glad that you're maintaining a healthy life style. Just take it one day at a time, it doesn't matter how old or young you are. It's never too late:) @RodaRose thank you so much:) @strivingtobeaverage good job Hun! Keep up the good work:)
  • @faberallison thank you!:)
  • Omg im so sorry! I never even saw these replies lol. But yes it's a meal replacement. I started with only drinking it once a day for breakfast now for the past week I've been drinking it twice a day for breakfast and lunch. I also did a 7 day cleanse, also from 310. It's honestly so amazing. Of course you have to eat…