tllincoln Member


  • I have always tracked my workouts with a watch, Fitbit or Apple, Apple being the last few years. I work out for 2-2.5 hours 4-5 days a week. Cardio and weights. Sometimes spin, I run a lot, stairclimber, depends on the day. I had a trainer last year and still follow her workouts. I generally eat the same things so I don’t…
  • I use a good scale, MFP, and an Apple Watch. I’ve been successful at keeping my weight down until this last year. I’m a nurse, a mom, very active, 39. Thanks for your responses.
  • I log everyday using MFP, I use a food scale. I don’t know how to be more accurate than that. Thanks for replying.
  • Yes, you are so right!! I try my best to get in all of the above. Falling short some days (especially sleep). I’m a nurse who works 13 hour shifts with two boys at home with!! But I’m trying to be more mindful of sleep and rest. I usually “rest” on two of my 3 work shifts. Some weeks I don’t workout at all…
  • Thanks! I have some pretty intense workouts. I try to keep my heart rate up between sets with sprints or jump roping, and i always warm up by running a mile then end with running or HIIT. That’s why i asked if maybe i am doing too much cardio. Everything i read says to give a change a month (change in macros, change in…
  • I weigh all my food on a food scale, eat lean meats and complex carbs. I’m 37, 5’2” and 140 pounds. I have an athletic build, trying to get a little leaner while keeping some muscle. I used to strictly run and stayed around 125, then I got injured and started running less and weight lifting more. I know some of my weight…
  • It's mostly diet related. Planks, burpees, crunches, etc help. There's a ton of options on Pinterest
  • The HR and calories were only off by about 5.. The mileage on my fitbit when I run is always less than the map my run app on my phone that I use when running. But the calories on the fitbit are more accurate than the map my run app.. The polar FT4 doesn't track mileage so if you want that for running that's not an option.
  • Do you have any problem with it losing your HR or chafing? I love mine but it keeps losing the signal. I've changed the battery..
  • is what I use. Amazing, 12-15 minute HIIT workouts.
  • I have the polar FT4. I really love it, but it quit picking up my HR. I've tried everything, more moisture on the chest strap, gel, changing the battery. It also chafes me really bad in the center of my chest. If it wasn't for that I'd use it all the time. I bought a fitbit charge HR and it works just fine and tracks your…