skwytt Member


  • You lost fat in that area.. keep squatting and soon enough your glutes will grow.
  • Way too low of a clorie... your metabolism will surely slow down which will put you on a plateau sooner or later.
  • I think your calories might be too low. How bout you try reverse dieting first in order to maximize your caloric capacity. I know it might sound counter productive but it'll be all worth it in the long run.
  • Maybe ur in a surplus instead of a deficit? That would be the only logical reason I could think of why you are gaining weight.
  • Feel free to add
    in Hello Comment by skwytt January 2016
  • Start with a higher calorie intake. Then slowly taper as you hit weight loss plateaus. Take you body weight and multiply it by 15, that should give you a good calorie base. Good luck!
  • Simple, to look good!
  • I have 2 cheat days a week, even when im on my precontest diet.
  • I think they everyone who commented already answered your question. =) try it once then assess
    in Need advice! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • It was a joke... wow!! So serious! Btw good progress ;)
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • My pont is the progress i've made, silly... just like the gym i go to, all the trainers they have look like they dont even practice what theu preach. =( im done.. good luck to everyone lol.. hope you guys figured it out.
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • Thank you =) we all have the same goals thats why helping each other is a must. mfp is not just a small community but an extended family.
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • Typical iffym competitive bodybuilder here.. add me =) now on to my poptarts
  • Look at my profile pic and look at theirs. Who would you rather listen to? Lol.. jk.. everyone here has a good advice, pick one and start it asap..
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • I dont have this option on my phone.. =(
  • How do i post pics? Help!!
  • Actually i dont follow mfp. I use it as a tool. it just gives you a general estimated based on the info you put in it when you first start. The way i started was i took my weight in lbs then multiplied it by 15. Then i followed this calories for 7 days and *kitten* my results, until i found my actual maintenance cals. If i…
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • Btw this is how i track my calories even when im on my precontest diet. I dont focus on calorie burned just my calorie goal for the day. For example if my goal is 2000 cals for the day then thats all i eat even if i did 1hr of weight training and 45 min fasted cardio. I dont eat any calories back, but then again im no…
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • If she's not losing weight, then obviously she's not on a calorie deficit. If you look at her diary you can tell right off the bat that she's eating more than her calorie goal. She's not consistenly eating the same cals everyday and therefore its hard to track where her maintenace calories is.
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • I say just focus on your calorie goal for the day. you have it set at 1680, Dont eat more than that disregard whatever your fitbit tells you as far calorie burned but keep your exercise regimen the same. Just focus on your calories for that day then in a week assess through the scale. If you lost lbs then keep everything…
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • Eating back the calories that you have burn through exercise will get you back to your maintenance calories. For example if i burn 300 cals and i eat extra 300 cals for the day, i pretty much wasnt on a deficit at all..
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015
  • I looked at your diary and your are intaking more calories than your daily calorie goal. Disregard the calorie burn from your exercise and just focus on your daily calorie goal. For example yesterday your calorie goal was around 1400 yet you consumed food around 1900 cals, don't try to eat back that calories you have…
    in help!!!! Comment by skwytt June 2015