inyasha23 Member


  • so if you start the fast at say 9am on Monday and break it on 12pm on Tuesday? thats 27 hours, that would mean your now in a 2000 calorie deficit on Tuesday.
  • sometimes im busy and don't eat for 16-20 hours. on those types of days would it be better to just fast for the rest of the day to create a larger weekly deficit since it's almost over anyways.
  • reverse diet to maintenance cals, im going to start at 2000 calories and add 100 calories each day till i reach my original maintenance calories.
  • im planning to take a break at 3 weeks and have maintenance calories for a week then do another 2-3 more weeks of PSMF.
  • well the way i see it is that i can feel tired and sluggish for a month or i can do a 500 cal deficit and lose only 1 pound of fat a week instead of 3-4 and have to diet for 3-4 months. i cant do that i don't have the patience for that long of a diet. i don't know why i look worse now, its confusing im exercising 4x a week…
  • no it PMSF its not dangerous, many people have done it its not a new thing its been around for a long time now. its pretty hard though, luckily i have a very sedentary lifestyle while not working out so i can get away with feeling tired and sluggish all the time.
  • no that's what PSMF is, just the bare minimum amount of calories to meet your Macros. its designed to preserve as much muscle as possible while in a huge deficit. i don't have the patience for long diets that last months. I've been on it for 2 weeks 3 days and lost 19 pounds so far.
  • i really hope so, i don't understand how i look worse then when i started losing weight though, my whole body looks like jello, i looked a lot better before i started dieting and exercising as funny as that sounds.
  • yes im exercising im doing PSMF, i do body weight exercises no cardio. my calories are 800 cals a day.