What is with this lumpy, squishy fat?



  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    inyasha23 wrote: »
    Um hmm, your diet shouldn't make you feel tired and sluggish all the time. Is that 800 net or total calories? You say you looked better before starting this program, have you considered that not properly fueling your body could be resulting in a less desirable outcome.

    well the way i see it is that i can feel tired and sluggish for a month or i can do a 500 cal deficit and lose only 1 pound of fat a week instead of 3-4 and have to diet for 3-4 months. i cant do that i don't have the patience for that long of a diet.

    i don't know why i look worse now, its confusing im exercising 4x a week doing calisthenics so i cant be losing muscle mass .

    I guess you should check with your Dr or dietician to see if this is a common side effect.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    edited May 2015
    inyasha23 wrote: »
    Um hmm, your diet shouldn't make you feel tired and sluggish all the time. Is that 800 net or total calories? You say you looked better before starting this program, have you considered that not properly fueling your body could be resulting in a less desirable outcome.

    well the way i see it is that i can feel tired and sluggish for a month or i can do a 500 cal deficit and lose only 1 pound of fat a week instead of 3-4 and have to diet for 3-4 months. i cant do that i don't have the patience for that long of a diet.

    i don't know why i look worse now, its confusing im exercising 4x a week doing calisthenics so i cant be losing muscle mass .

    On 800 calories a day of course you're losing muscle mass. Eat more. Out of interest, what is your plan for once you reach your goal weight?

    Edited to add: lifting heavy weights helps you retain muscle mass while losing weight, not calisthenics (as far as I know). But you still need to eat enough calories to keep those muscles.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member

    "Carbohydrates are usually the body's primary source of energy. Since a very limited amount of carbohydrates are consumed, fat becomes the primary fuel source for the body. This rapid breakdown of fat produces ketones that spill into the urine, called ketosis. Ketones in the urine are desirable. While in ketosis, most people lose their appetite, which is a benefit of this program. A large amount of the water in your body is stored with carbohydrates. Since carbohydrate intake is severely limited and storage is severely depleted, dehydration is a health concern. To compensate, adequate quantities of fluid, sodium, and prescription potassium are required each day. Eating foods that are not appropriate can stop ketosis, which not only means less weight reduction, but it can cause dangerous shifts in the body's fluid and electrolytes."

    So you're just going to take your chances with that, then?

    Source: http://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases_conditions/obesity/hic_PSMF_Diet_Program
  • inyasha23
    inyasha23 Posts: 15 Member
    On 800 calories a day of course you're losing muscle mass. Eat more. Out of interest, what is your plan for once you reach your goal weight?

    reverse diet to maintenance cals, im going to start at 2000 calories and add 100 calories each day till i reach my original maintenance calories.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member

    Patience is a virtue coveted by many and possessed by few. You're young, you haven't had time to develop it, you don't know your own body yet, etc

    Now that that's out of the way:

    800 calories is in no way enough for a 19 year old male!

    Nothing about dieting is going to be quick, and you can't just go back to eating whatever you want after you lose the weight either. 800 calories is lower than my bear minimum as a 19 year old female, probably shorter and lighter than yourself. 3-4 months feels like forever looking at it on a calendar, but it's not. It's really no time at all. You have the rest of your life that you need your health for. Your body is still developing, your skull won't fuse till your 25, the bones in your spine and feet are still calcifying, you can do serious damage to yourself eating this way. And quite frankly it's stupid. You want to be fit, lean, strong, catch yourself a nice girl? This is not the way. Lose it slowly so your skin snaps back, hit those weights and get some bad-*kitten* muscles going on, eat food. And plenty of it. No woman wants to regularly out eat her man.

    And yes, you can be losing muscle mass, youre not eating enough to maintain it. You look worse now because you're probably trying to strangle your organs and your body is bloody pissed at you!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited May 2015
    What you're doing is a perfect storm for muscle loss!. You'll no doubt end up looking floppy and podgy with no muscle definition. A condensed version of your bigger self.
    Get your butt in the gym and start eating. You need food to fuel your workouts and build a nice physique

  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    inyasha23 wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    inyasha23 wrote: »
    I hope the 800 was a typo..

    no that's what PSMF is, just the bare minimum amount of calories to meet your Macros.

    its designed to preserve as much muscle as possible while in a huge deficit. i don't have the patience for long diets that last months.

    I've been on it for 2 weeks 3 days and lost 19 pounds so far.

    Oh dear. Is this medically supervised?

    no it PMSF its not dangerous, many people have done it its not a new thing its been around for a long time now.

    its pretty hard though, luckily i have a very sedentary lifestyle while not working out so i can get away with feeling tired and sluggish all the time.

    I've done it before with success and I'm doing it now for four days (more if I think I can continue). Because of my gender, activity level and body fat percentage, my calorie max is 558. My protein is 70 g.

    I agree that it's not dangerous short-term. If I planned to do it more than two weeks I would get medical supervision.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    What you're doing is a perfect storm for muscle loss!. You'll no doubt end up looking floppy and podgy with no muscle definition. A condensed version of your bigger self.
    Get your butt in the gym and start eating. You need food to fuel your workouts and build a nice physique

    No, the whole point of a PSMF is that you eat enough protein to preserve muscle. Your weight loss is primarily fat loss, not muscle and water weight, as happens with other extreme diets. You calculate your needs based on your gender, activity level, and body fat percentage and must keep strict track of your food intake, particularly your protein.

    I only do a PSMF on a short-term basis once or twice a year, but is has been used very successfully year-round with obese people. They are medically supervised, as anyone should be who follows a regime of this type longterm.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    Editing out the pic and reference link for whooshes

    Because OP is on a dangerous VLCD that will decimate LBM
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member

    Patience is a virtue coveted by many and possessed by few. You're young, you haven't had time to develop it, you don't know your own body yet, etc

    Now that that's out of the way:

    800 calories is in no way enough for a 19 year old male!

    Nothing about dieting is going to be quick, and you can't just go back to eating whatever you want after you lose the weight either. 800 calories is lower than my bear minimum as a 19 year old female, probably shorter and lighter than yourself. 3-4 months feels like forever looking at it on a calendar, but it's not. It's really no time at all. You have the rest of your life that you need your health for. Your body is still developing, your skull won't fuse till your 25, the bones in your spine and feet are still calcifying, you can do serious damage to yourself eating this way. And quite frankly it's stupid. You want to be fit, lean, strong, catch yourself a nice girl? This is not the way. Lose it slowly so your skin snaps back, hit those weights and get some bad-*kitten* muscles going on, eat food. And plenty of it. No woman wants to regularly out eat her man.

    And yes, you can be losing muscle mass, youre not eating enough to maintain it. You look worse now because you're probably trying to strangle your organs and your body is bloody pissed at you!

    Most people who do PSMFs on their own are extremely well-informed. They don't pick a calorie or protein goal out of a hat -- they've researched the recommendations -- and they know they need to go on a healthy, balanced maintenance diet afterwards.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Presuming even a 2000 calorie a day TDEE, unless OP has 40+ pounds of fat, the body is pulling those excess calories from somewhere besides fat.
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    You're eating 800 calories a day and you're asking about fat marbles??

    You can either start to eat healthily or don't. You can either heed the good advice given here to you or don't. Either way you'll still lose the weight.

    How long it stays off and the damage you'll do to your internal organs is another matter.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    inyasha23 wrote: »
    Um hmm, your diet shouldn't make you feel tired and sluggish all the time. Is that 800 net or total calories? You say you looked better before starting this program, have you considered that not properly fueling your body could be resulting in a less desirable outcome.

    well the way i see it is that i can feel tired and sluggish for a month or i can do a 500 cal deficit and lose only 1 pound of fat a week instead of 3-4 and have to diet for 3-4 months. i cant do that i don't have the patience for that long of a diet.

    i don't know why i look worse now, its confusing im exercising 4x a week doing calisthenics so i cant be losing muscle mass .

    You don't have the patience to eat properly now, you won't later when you finally give up this dangerous way of eating. You're very likely to regain using this method, I hope you take better care of your body soon.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You are losing whatever muscle you had. Of course you do not look good. When you are done with this nonsense, you will look awful. There is no such thing as losing weight super fast and not looking bad.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    You could be getting skinny fat being on such a low calorie diet and losing LBM
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    edited December 2015
    Verdenal wrote: »
    Most people who do PSMFs on their own are extremely well-informed. They don't pick a calorie or protein goal out of a hat -- they've researched the recommendations -- and they know they need to go on a healthy, balanced maintenance diet afterwards.

    Does someone who plans to be on this diet for 3 weeks (which is over the recommended time frame) because they "don't have the patience" to lose 1lb a week strike you as being "extremely well-informed"? Because if you do, I have a bridge to sell you. You're arguing the benefits of PSMF in a thread with an OP who is clearly using this as a starvation diet.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    True, but aren't you just dying to know what became of the OP and this idiotic diet? I'm so curious.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    True, but aren't you just dying to know what became of the OP and this idiotic diet? I'm so curious.

    yup :)