nattyleigh1991 Member


  • Spinach, mushroom & ham omelette (2 eggs + 1 white) 225 cals
  • You can't out exercise a bad diet. Carbs. That's all I see in your post. Carbs.
  • My best friend and I are holding a dinner party - rather than going out drinking and getting pizza! We're cooking healthy... not that everyone coming needs to know that ;) We've agreed that each of us will buy/make a "naughty" treat. That's as far as the splurge goes!
  • Almonds / Walnuts Hard boiled eggs Sliced meats from the deli counter Lean meats Yogurt Green leafy vegetables
  • I am an emotional eater. It took me a long time to admit that. I opened up a blog (not public yet - I'm too scared!) and days when I'm feeling particularly emotional and I'm aware that I'm searching the biscuit cupboard or the crisps basket, I turn to my blog. I write down EXACTLY how I am feeling and what it's making me…
  • For me, I didn't get the hungry stage when I first dropped carbs. I would eat (and still do eat) my meals/snacks no more than 2.5 hours apart with high protein and fibre. When I first did this, I would be so full all the time! The hunger has come now for me... If I go more than 2.5 hours without eating I get hungry to the…
  • Have you tried a high protein low carb diet? If you struggle with eating a lot of crap (which usually includes sugary and salty foods) it can be a great way to cut the cravings for those foods. I struggled with wanting to eat crap all the time, and I switched to high protein low carb. It's hard to start with - I won't lie…
  • We all mess up sometimes, it's human nature. It's amazing how much not tracking can have an effect. As soon as I start tracking again I realise that what I thought was "watching what I eat" was actually a whole lot more. Be consistent in your tracking again hun and you'll be back on track before you know it.
  • You've had a bad week - we all have bad stages! Just put it behind you and go back to what you were doing. You'll be fine :)
  • Firstly, well done for wanting to make the change! When I started my journey I had a week where I ate as I normally would and tracked it all. It got me into the routine of tracking what I eat, and I was surprised by how much I was eating!!! I then went about setting myself a long term goal (to lose nearly 200 lbs) and…