


  • kkress92
    kkress92 Posts: 118 Member
    Making a sudden large drop in calories can be very difficult, and there is no reason to do it all at once. You can back off to, say 1600 for example and then once you get used to logging and adjusting your food choices, then drop it by around 100 calories. Work with that for awhile, and drop again by 100 cals. You'll get an idea of what you can handle without torturing yourself. Remember, slow and steady is generally more healthy and sustainable in the long run, and you'll be less likely to become discouraged and/or gain it back.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    Weight loss appears simple, calories in vs calories out. Humans are not soooo simple. We don't just eat for hunger, address why you are over eating? Are you actually hungry . I know for me my emotions say hell yeah we are hungry, but if I actually looked at it from a physical not truly hungry.

    Yes you should be on a healthy diet, we all "should " be on a healthy diet. Mostly veggies, fruit, whole grains, and lean protein. I aim for 80/20, 80% healthy choices, 20% fun foods :) 1200-1300 is a fine baseline of calories but you may need to add in at least 1/2 of your calories burnt in exercise. So if you normally get 1300 calories and you burnt 500 in exercise , you could eat 1550 calories.
  • chellylee30
    chellylee30 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you guys so much! This really will help me(my diary should be open so you can view it) I constantly feel empty that's why I eat only because I never feel full unless I eat Chinese but a hour and a half later I'm hungry again
  • nattyleigh1991
    nattyleigh1991 Posts: 10 Member
    Have you tried a high protein low carb diet? If you struggle with eating a lot of crap (which usually includes sugary and salty foods) it can be a great way to cut the cravings for those foods. I struggled with wanting to eat crap all the time, and I switched to high protein low carb. It's hard to start with - I won't lie about that! Headaches, fatigue and a couple of days of bloating.. but in the long run it seems to be paying off for me.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    You don have to switch your whole diet in a day, small sustainable changes! Pick one meal and tweak your choices to make that meal more in line with your health goals. Set yourself up for success, have healthy low calorie high nutrition snacks available ( carrots or any veggies, apples? Etc) .