Help ! :'(

Aya_Sherif Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello , i started to eat healthy and did daily workouts month ago , i did well until something happend last week i was not at home so i cut my workout routin and i couldnt prepare my food i just eat processed food :( .. should i do detox or fast before starting again or what should i do ? .. is all i did the last 3 weeks are gone ? :'(


  • msalicia116
    msalicia116 Posts: 233 Member
    edited December 2016
    You don't have to re start because you already started a month ago. You just keep going. No one will be perfect in their routine every day of their life. Just course correct. Think of it in terms of getting off at the wrong exit. You don't start from the beginning again, you just find your way back on course and keep moving forward. Your entire life will be this over and over. Don't give up and eventually you will meet your destination.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Things always happen. Don't make plans you can't see yourself sticking to through things and at various places. You can eat anything you like. If you want to lose/maintain weight, you just have to not eat too much.

    Don't think about healthy eating and exercise in terms of doing well. Instead, eat and move to feel well.

    Never "detox" (it's not even a thing), and never fast for other than religious or medical (surgery or endoscopy etc) reasons.
  • nattyleigh1991
    nattyleigh1991 Posts: 10 Member
    You've had a bad week - we all have bad stages! Just put it behind you and go back to what you were doing. You'll be fine :)