sarabrunning Member


  • Try a steamed egg (very low heat, sunny side up, little splash water, lid on just til white sets and yold is runny but with an opaque layer) on sprouted protein bread with the avocado sprinkled with fresh cracked black pepper, sea salt, and drops of sriracha. I think the hard boiled egg makes it extremely bland but a hint…
  • Yes! That's what I do too, then I ice bath and peep under running water. Perfect every time.
  • Cheese is delicious but I've pretty much eliminated most dairy from my diet, and I've stopped getting hormonal breakouts along my jawline completely. I also used to have a lot of mucus in my body and fluid in my lungs shich was blamed on asthma, which has totally gone away since then. My 20 year old brother had awful…
  • Whoa - no no no no no. Get a new doctor and go see a nutritionist or dietitian. 800 is almost half of what your BMR is! (Basal Metabolic Rate) That will slow your metabolism like crazy and isn't sustainable nor will you get prober nutrition. Google BMR calculator and put in your stats and you will learn how many calories…
  • I have to take my workout clothes to work and change before I leave. If I go home first the hour commute kills my motivation and it's all over. I stop and do a trail run on the way home. A 9-5 is great but can definitely drain you and make hitting the gym when it's not packed really hard. Good luck!
  • You've got this! If your main goal is to drop body fat percentage, that's really 90% diet and 10% exercise. Best muscles to build to help with that will be legs to get the biggest fat burning muscles growing. Just keep moving, eat clean at least 80% of the time and make sure you are eating small frequent meals with lots…
  • Starving after a workout. Starving during a long run. Always starving! It's natural to be hungry when you burn calories, just eat the things your body needs - Replenish with lots of lean protein to help your muscles rebuild.
  • Also stretch your piriformus muscle, it's responsible for a lot of lower back pain, particularly in those with desk jobs or who drive a lot. It's under your medial glute, a thin fan shaped muscle. Stretch it in king pigeon pose, pressing your hips squarely towards the ground. That, and cat cow are great. Supermans are a…
  • Don't worry about it too much - switch days to a day that works better for you within a few days before and after and just do s short run the day of your flight. It won't effect the outcome as long as you get your weeks mileage in. Best of luck!
  • Legumes, Greek yogurt, eggs/whites, almonds/cashews, nut butters, spinach, kale, quinoa, veggie protein powder/soy milk smoothies with spinach/kale/unsweetened cocoa and blueberries. Go for less processed cuz if it's labeled high protein low fat low carb it's likely not a whole food!
  • I got abs first showing at 16% from a combo of pole dancing, rock climbing and trail running, with a cutting diet to get from 19% to 16% over 4 weeks. Abs are really ALL about diet. I ate 11 calories per pound of my body weight, and kept my macros at 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat, eating 250 calories every 2.5 hours, and…
  • You don't need a gym! Find a way to sweat every day and keep it fun and interesting. You can walk, run, swim, hike, bike, play sports, do yoga, fitness videos, as long as you enjoy it and can do it consistently you will see results. Do dips on benches, lunges up a hill, and pull ups on trees! Try pole dancing, silks, rock…
  • Definitely lift, follow a clean diet, incorporate some cardio and be consistent. Building muscle will help you lose fat faster. Do the math for your BMR, figure out the daily caloric intake for your goal, calculate your macros for the body fat composition you want and stick to it. Great job so far!
  • A good way to get to where you can do your first pull up is to start on a chair to hold yourself at "chin at bar" then pick up your feet and slowly lower yourself to full extension. Do reps of these and it will build the muscles until you can achieve your first full pull up. Also, try planks, supermans etc they are easier…
  • If you work on building muscle it will help boost your metabolism and burn fat faster. I'd pay the most attention to the fit of your clothes versus the scale, as muscle weights more than fat (but is denser and uses less space per lb) so your body shape will begin to change before you lose a ton of weight, most likely. Keep…
  • I have a very fit friend who observed Ramadan and we were discussing: he does some (lighter than usual) weightlifting in the evening before breaking the fast but no cardio the whole month to avoid dehydration and burning too many calories needed to get through the workday.
  • Opposite problem: I eat pescstarian/veg at work, clean and veg heavy at home so I'm not getting antibiotics/hormones from meat in the cafeteria, people always "complain" that I eat too healthy and "I'm thin why am I dieting?" Or I mention any kind of excercise and "you aren't fat why are you working out/running?" It's…
  • Coffee black, home ground and brewed mild roast French press or drip. I have a small cup In the morning or before a workout a few days a week. Helps reduce my asthma prior to a run or hike, tip from a paramedic friend, really works.
  • I'd trade in the yogurt for something with a nice balance of protein, carbs and monounsaturated fat, like egg whites, salsa, sprouted toast, and a sliver of avocado with an orange or fresh berries if you want some fruit sugar. Yogurt is usually high in sugar especially when you go with a 0 fat version. Plain Greek yogurt…
  • I like to do soft scrambled egg whites cooked with green salsa on sprouted multigrain toast with 1/4 mashed avocado. Gives you protein, complex carbs and healthy, monounsaturated fat.