DesiraeLynn24 Member


  • This is very interesting and I've read similar studies on high fat to carb diets. On these diets the idea is to give your body a surplus of fats (ideally healthy fats) moderate protein and very little carbs. With the surplus of fat your body will try to readjust and burn your stored body fat in order to reach a balance. I…
  • I am not a professional or a Brofessional. So since this just a general question on two people I have no idea on any of their fitness, nutritional or health background your guess is as good as mine. As with life in general: to each their own. I can only speak on what I have been self taught and what worked for me.
  • Now that I know a tad more, MFP's calculations in my opinion, are too generic. For example, I am a female 30 years old 162lb with a BF% of 25 My current goal is to drop BF and maintaining my lean muscle mass. My calculations through various research for nutrition is roughly 1600 calories I split this as 50% protein, 30-40%…
  • Without being to see your stats (weight, height, nutritional needs and body fat) Here are some general tips when a plateau has been reached: Kitchen: Try to recalculate your nutritional needs every 1-2 weeks based on your weight (ideally knowing your BF% as well) Take an honest eval of your daily foods (can any carbs be…
  • Oh dear sweet baby Jesus just drop it already. Yes the calculation would put her at 900 calories. Yes she did gain weight when she was drinking lattes. Yes she probably did a huge miscalculation on the amount of calories she took in prior to actually logging, measuring and getting control over her life. Stop beating a dead…
  • Lowering your carbs will have an effect on your energy level. However it just depends on your tolerance. I can tolerate it really well. I do carb cycling. 3 days my carbs are at 14g than I carb load on day 4 (100g) and repeat this cycle. I typically carb cycle and I love it. Weight comes off and I still preserve a lot of…
  • Try to change out your fat/protein sources. Boneless Skinless chicken breast is typically 1g fat per ounce Flap Meat is generally 7g fat in a 4 ounce serving 4 ounces of tuna only has about 2g of fat for 20g of protein Also natural nut butters are higher in fats but they are good fats
  • Oh my favorites: "That's all your eating?" "You're eating again?!" "I don't know how you eat the same thing everyday." "I don't know how you do it." My response is typically the same to any comment or question Summer is closer than you think or You don't know how I do it because you wont even try
  • Hi Gerbillama03, Sounds like there isn't a whole lot of listening going on here. I have read the dialog and I figured I was just chime in and try to give a little help. Honestly, the macro settings (fat, carb and protein amounts) are a little skewed in my opinion. What I personally use MFP for is to log my food and make…