Gardnersirhc Member


  • I tried MapMyWalk, have dropped it for the simple step counter in the iPhone health app and the same info on the Apple Watch under the 3 ring activity summary. Since my steps are counted automatically, I can look at the total steps that day and if I'm low, I can walk more. I've watched my daily average go from 4K steps…
  • Hi Lynn, welcome to the community! Motivation is tough, I've been yo-yo'ing for years. Hopefully now with MFP I can sustain the motivation. You're right that getting support from others is key. One thing is to just focus on the short-term - count everything you eat and drink, set realistic goals in MFP and give it 4 weeks.…
  • It's been my experience that if you pay for a personal trainer, then you'll feel like you have to work out to justify the expense - plus the trainer is there to help motivate you. If your trainer can come to your building and meet you in the gym, then it's a matter of getting those workouts into your schedule. Once in your…
  • Don't give up! I know you can do it, you just need to cut yourself a little slack and give it time. Diets never work, only a lifestyle change will last. By using MFP and trying to measure your intake as accurately and completely as you can, you will see results, I promise! Do you have someone you know in RL who can be your…
  • You "earn" calories by exercising. MFP makes adjustments which add to the total calories you can eat (goal calories minus what you've eaten plus "MFP adjustment" for exercise) the result at the right is a positive number if you ate less, a negative number if you over-ate. What I'm saying is that the adjustment MFP makes…
  • I think the MFP is probably doing you a disservice. Try discounting it by 25-50%. Don't give up!