Feel frustrated!



  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »

    Looks about right, actually. This is a common food in the UK - wafer thin, honey roast ham. All the supermarkets carry their own brand version, but it's probably from the same place. Works out at about 11-12 calories a slice usually. I use it a lot, and usually weigh it - the slices end up being really regularly sized.

    As to what the problem is, I have no clue. Bodies are weird. If you are sure your logging is right (and really, just find - or add to the database yourself - the entries that let you put in a number of grams rather than shaving bits off your servings to make them fit!) then carry on with what you are doing and sit it out.

    I had almost a month recently where I was doing what I always did, but my losses slowed to about a third of what they had been. There were all sorts of possible reasons - water, back up poop, sluggish digestive system, whoosh fairy, body sick of the deficit after 6 months. I dunno. It picked up again eventually. I knocked another 100 calories off my allowance and added an evening walk. Oh, and had a day going completely mental on carbs - the next day everything started moving at pace again. But correlation is not causation. It was just a sort of a stall. And this might be for you.

    Give it another week or three. And then really start examining what might be going on. Because it may be hormonal.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Pootler74 wrote: »
    CBR500 wrote: »

    Looks about right, actually. This is a common food in the UK - wafer thin, honey roast ham. All the supermarkets carry their own brand version, but it's probably from the same place. Works out at about 11-12 calories a slice usually. I use it a lot, and usually weigh it - the slices end up being really regularly sized.

    As to what the problem is, I have no clue. Bodies are weird. If you are sure your logging is right (and really, just find - or add to the database yourself - the entries that let you put in a number of grams rather than shaving bits off your servings to make them fit!) then carry on with what you are doing and sit it out.

    I had almost a month recently where I was doing what I always did, but my losses slowed to about a third of what they had been. There were all sorts of possible reasons - water, back up poop, sluggish digestive system, whoosh fairy, body sick of the deficit after 6 months. I dunno. It picked up again eventually. I knocked another 100 calories off my allowance and added an evening walk. Oh, and had a day going completely mental on carbs - the next day everything started moving at pace again. But correlation is not causation. It was just a sort of a stall. And this might be for you.

    Give it another week or three. And then really start examining what might be going on. Because it may be hormonal.

    This. It's only been 12 days.
  • jcox147125
    jcox147125 Posts: 11 Member
    Woah people need to calm down here. Getting upset over some ham, which personally looks accurate to me. I think OP is getting discouraged because people here are just assuming it must be a food measurement issue (which it often is but not always).

    OP personally I think you are doing fine. I don't think it's a measurement's problem. I think it simply hasnt been long enough to really tell if it's working.

    However, I looked through your dairy and there are a couple entries that strike me as potential problems. One Sunday you only tracked breakfast? Did you go off your diet this day?
    If so, I would suggest even if you go off your diet on a day, still try and track as best as you can. I find this way you are less likely to go overboard with it. It will help open your eyes to how many calories can be eaten on a "cheat" day when you aren't paying attention. Its really easy to blow your whole weeks deficit on one day!

    Also, on one night it said you had "Chinese beef and mushroom". Was this from an actual chinese takeaway/restaurant, if so I think the calories are a wee bit underestimated? I would try and overestimate if you get takeaway as they are often very calorific! I often just put a bare minimum of 1000 for a standard takeaway to be on the safe side. Another thing I would suggest, if you do feel like a meal out etc, I would try and walk some more before and after if you have time.

    I believe you said you have a fitbit? I have one too! I would say focus on gradually building up steps, trying to beat your weekly and daily records! Even if its only an extra 10 minute walk a day at first. It will all help and you will feel good from all the walking. And you can also get more calories to eat that day.

    I'd say give it another 3 or 4 weeks and see how it goes. The reason you aren't losing could be a number of things, its a bit too early to say I think.

  • Gardnersirhc
    Gardnersirhc Posts: 6 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    Right.. Okay.. I just wonder if I'm just meant to be fat and just give up :( feeling very lost and low

    Don't give up! I know you can do it, you just need to cut yourself a little slack and give it time. Diets never work, only a lifestyle change will last. By using MFP and trying to measure your intake as accurately and completely as you can, you will see results, I promise!

    Do you have someone you know in RL who can be your eating buddy? Someone who will not jump down your throat every time you cheat on eating, but will cheer you on for every success no matter how small? Daily reinforcement and encouragement is important. If you don't have someone, then just keep posting here. I'll try to give you encouragement as often as I can.

    We are all in this together!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    really frustrated with not losing.. My calorie goal is 1390 per day.. Can anyone suggest a good menu? As clearly what I'm doing is wrong.. Macros were set by MFP at 50% carbs 30% fat and 20% protein but I don't think this is right for me :/ help!!!!!

    Ya, I needed to up my protein and lower my carbs in order to feel satisfied and not have sugar cravings. I think I'm set at 40% carbs 35% fat and 35% protein.

    I'm losing weight faster than when I did MFP in 2012 and wasn't thinking about protein, but it is entirely possible that I am also exercising more this time as well.

    You can do this!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Its not the bit of ham...i Just took the ham out as example.
    When you go to the Tesco site you will see that there is something off with it
    She also logs cups of rice. And other odd things

    So the ham i took as example people to show her logging is off And she dont know or does this at purpose...it is the Tesco labeling probably.

    That was what i was trying to make clear. I went to sites for her checked her entrees and there is a lot off ( generic ones etc)

    But forget it. And i should have kept to my own principles...i'm outta here.

  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    I have a cup measure .. So I do sometimes have a cup of rice :/
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    I have a cup measure .. So I do sometimes have a cup of rice :/

    Yep. But a cup of rice is not as precise a measurement as weighing the rice. (And ideally weighing it dry and using an entry for dry, if you want to get best accuracy.)

    Like if a serving size says "2 tbsp (30g)"? That sounds like 2 tbsp = 30 grams right? But it *actually might not* and the calories and other information is based on the 30 grams.

    You're best off weighing the rice, and everything else except liquids.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited June 2015
    I believe in everything in moderation, but I would be dying if I were trying to survive on your diet. I'm sure it's because you're busy at work, but your nutrition...

    On Tuesday, your dinner was chips and oreos, and your snack was chocolates... the bigger problem is that your body needs nutrients and volume, not just calories. Most days you have no fruits and vegetables.

    I think of losing weight as a balancing act... Balancing low calorie items with high calorie items so that you can eat what you like while not feeling hungry (makes it easier long term).

    I was also curious what you set your activity level at, and what you set as your goal per week (you might have mentioned this).

    I would suggest sticking with weighing your foods and logging for the next 2 weeks to a month, and if the scale still hasn't moved at all and you are positive that your logging is accurate, then go see your doctor. Make sure that he checks your free T3 and free T4 levels along with TSH, and that all are within 'optimal' levels, not just 'in normal range'.

  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    My problem the past week has been money.. I was just trying to use up what was in the house as I had no money atall... I am writing a shopping list and have £40 to shop for the next week.. I'm going tomorrow and there is veg and fruit in there :) I know it's not been great but I do weigh and measure everything.. I will take on board about the cup.. It was dry weight rice but will weigh I future
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Try tweaking your macros for a month and see how that works for you. Mine are 35% carb, 35% protein, 30% fat which works well for me. Plus lots of green tea, fiber, good sleep, and exercise. Usually. :smiley:
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I put frozen veggies and protein in a pyrex and microwave it. Quick, healthy. Yummy. I like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, based, carrots. Garden "chicken" tenders, trader joe's chicken tenders, trader joe's mani mani burgers, canned tuna/salmon (no sodium), morning star farms products. I also measure a serving of berries. Protein pudding as well. Oh, and cheese stick for snacks.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I understand that you are feeling frustrated, but you aren't helping yourself with a 1400 calorie Burger King meal. I hope that is not a sign that you are giving up.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    CBR500 wrote: »
    really frustrated with not losing.. My calorie goal is 1390 per day.. Can anyone suggest a good menu? As clearly what I'm doing is wrong.. Macros were set by MFP at 50% carbs 30% fat and 20% protein but I don't think this is right for me :/ help!!!!!

    Ya, I needed to up my protein and lower my carbs in order to feel satisfied and not have sugar cravings. I think I'm set at 40% carbs 35% fat and 35% protein.

    I'm losing weight faster than when I did MFP in 2012 and wasn't thinking about protein, but it is entirely possible that I am also exercising more this time as well.

    You can do this!

    Oops, not enough caffeine to math - that was supposed to be 40% carbs 30% fat and 30% protein
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Don't give up. If you're not losing, something isn't right or you simply need to cut calories more.
    You can do it!
  • TrailBlazinMN
    TrailBlazinMN Posts: 209 Member
    Wow. Just wow....

    First of all, this woman's BMR is 1500 calories according to MyFitnessPal's BMR calculator. I'm very surprised no one has asked for her age/height/weight and then put two and two together. Instead, most of the people in here are insisting that she isn't losing weight because her calorie counting is wrong.

    Second, this woman is on her feet for 11 hours a day. This would easily be worth 500 calories (if not more) worth of calories she can consume. If she is lifting people and walking constantly, it could even be a few hundred more.

    Third, counting calories is part of it but there is so much more to the losing weight equation. For starters, did you know that not all calories in food are consumed at the same rate between people?


    What about our hormones? Stress levels? Etc. Etc. This woman is barely eating anything for her height, weight, and activity. The last thing she should do eat less. She needs to make healthier choices but she also needs to eat more food. Plain and simple. The 1390 she is eating isn't enough.

    I think all of you need to take a look at this:

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Second, this woman is on her feet for 11 hours a day. This would easily be worth 500 calories (if not more) worth of calories she can consume. If she is lifting people and walking constantly, it could even be a few hundred more.

    I can put in 10,000 steps and stand most of the the day (6-7 hours), and my "active" calories burned will be about 50, according to my fitness tracker. Though I'm smallish, 5'3 and 120. And I'm not lifting heavy things, maybe carrying a few file folders and a laptop. We often overestimate the burn from all our activity. Just want to say her job may or may not be burning that much above her BMR.
    Third, counting calories is part of it but there is so much more to the losing weight equation. For starters, did you know that not all calories in food are consumed at the same rate between people?


    What about our hormones? Stress levels? Etc. Etc. This woman is barely eating anything for her height, weight, and activity. The last thing she should do eat less. She needs to make healthier choices but she also needs to eat more food. Plain and simple. The 1390 she is eating isn't enough.

    I think all of you need to take a look at this:


    The Daily Mail isn't the best news source ever. The two-year old Scientific American article they're citing uses two studies, one on a certain food (almonds) and one based on mice to come to these conclusions. It's far from conclusive evidence that this is the case for humans with every food.

    OP, don't give up, everyone plateaus for a bit and needs to tweak things. Adjust macros, change exercises, add some more intensity, lift heavier weights. Weight-loss is a marathon, not a spring. And sometimes, it's an Iron Man. In the desert. In summer. :smiley:
  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    I am a senior nursery nurse and I have a r
  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    I have a room of 12 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year d children.. I am lifting them and changing there nappies and getting them to sleep and playing with them and giving them meals from 7:15am until 6pm with one 30 min break to eat all day. I leave for work at 6:45am and get home around 6:45pm then I get in and bath , have some thing to eat and generally fall asleep as in worn out.. I climb 25 flights of stairs or more a day as my room is upstairs . I know my food choices have not been great but as I said money has been a problem.. I am going food shopping today and will make better choices but even with bad food choices surly at those
    Calories I should have lost something
    I'm 5 feet 4 inches, 43 years old and weigh 192 pounds x
  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    I understand that you are feeling frustrated, but you aren't helping yourself with a 1400 calorie Burger King meal. I hope that is not a sign that you are giving up.

    Yes I know but yesterday we were out for the day and it's only a one off, we let my partners children choose as we don't let them got to fast food restaurants very often.. Was a day out and now it's a new day