DaliaMaria1173 Member


  • I had a few issues at first (a change for me, as I have IBS-D, and my problem is usually going too often). I'm now doing well since adding more fat and more vegetables, especially leafy stuff.
  • Just want to add that 3 weeks is too soon to tell. Weight loss is not linear. Even if you lose .5 kg per week, that's averaged out over several weeks. For example, I once went 6 weeks with no weight loss. Not a single pound. Then, around week 6, I stepped on the scale, and 6 pounds were gone.
  • I prefer to do ingredient prep vs. full-on meals (sometimes, I just don't want to eat the same thing yet again). For example, I'll prepare and store spaghetti squash, ground meat, chicken breast, salad mix, steamed veggies, broccoli, sweet potato, boiled egg, etc. all on their own. That way, I can mix and match on the fly…
  • Exactly. Lots of great suggestions here. Pre-logging is a good one. Another tip is to take a picture of your food with notes (I actually use an app called TwoGrand), and then log it all later.
  • Did I read that right...are you weighing yourself morning and night? Please don't do that. Weight fluctuates day to day and within the day (water retention, etc.). Weighing once a week is more than enough. Aerobics are good, but you don't need to kill yourself on an hour a day of aeobics. They won't make that much of a…
  • Make sure you're also measuring inches and how you look. The number on the scale is only part of the picture, especially if you're working out regularly and especially if you do any kind of strength training. You will gain muscle weight as you lose fat.
  • IF works for some, but makes other people binge eat later. Know your body. I IF in the morning. Basically, I skip breakfast most days, having only a cup of coffee with fatty cream and/or coconut milk/oil. For me, I do it because I'm never particularly hungry in the morning and my appetite is greatest (too great) in the…
  • If you have reasons (symptoms, joint pain, gut pain, etc.) for avoiding grains at all times, there's your motivation. If you do it because it makes you feel better, makes it easier to lose weight and maintain, those are still good reasons, but you may be able to allow the occasional "cheat." For people who struggle to do…
  • Never mind. I see you are from Quebec. Bienvenue! Pardon my French. It's rusty. :p
  • Do you mean you can't eat enough? Or you eat too much? And where are you from, Muriel? I'm in Canada (Ontario) :)
  • I'm doing a low-to-moderate carb diet to prevent Type 2 diabetes (pre-diabetes). It runs in my family. Even a lot of the skinny people in my family seem to get it. I've sent you a friend request.
  • Forgot to mention. Lack of fats, and for some women, carbs, in the diet can affect cycles.
  • Get checked. It could be from too low carb or too low calorie/weight. I don't know what your build is, but I'm also 5'3" and aiming for my close to my old weight of 125. I look like death at 115, never mind 110.
  • You can usually estimate ribs visually (1 small, medium, large rib, etc.). Ask her if she can leave some without sauce (say you prefer them plain). Ask her if there will be salad, otherwise offer to bring one. Add your dressing separately (you can bring that too). Keep sides to a minimum. Other than that, don't sweat it.…
  • I've made chili a few times without beans. Just loaded it with veggies. Pretty tasty.
  • I'm Cidalia on Facebook. I've sent a request. I did prefer Sparkpeople's forums over some of the nonsense on MFP, but this site is better for tracking.
  • Not always. For many, diabetes has a strong genetic component. My thin-as-a-rail brother is prediabetic. And many, many family members on my mom's side are as well. My maternal grandmother and every one of her 7 siblings were diabetic, regardless of weight.
  • I see what you did there. ;)