Cricket1515 Member


  • I am weaning myself off of these type of medications (proton pump inhibitors), as my stomach became dependent on them to keep acid in check. This can happen if you are on them for a while. My doctor recommended Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) to help stimulate the production of healthy stomach lining. It definitely…
  • I'm definitely talking about a cold. Got it from a social gathering along with four others. But they all seem to be getting better so much faster.
  • Thank you! This does look interesting. As I happen to be female, I was actually considering The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Does anyone happen to know if this book also offers workarounds?
  • I have a small hand weight I play with - bicep curls, triceps extension, and lateral raise mostly. I don't log it as activity, but maybe it helps a little.
  • Agree with those that say sharp pain is bad pain, and the mentality of "powering through the pain" is not helpful. Baby that heel. BUT! (There is always a but.) There are other things you can do to make your next attempt at running more successful, such as stretching and strengthening.
  • These are mine and I think they are cute! They are Brooks Ghost 7. I don't use the insoles that come with them though. Also, mine have purple elastic laces.
  • Yes, I use a Soda Stream. It's the bubbles for me too. I find that I will reach for carbonated water, but only reach for plain water after exercising. When I want to make it more interesting, I'll add a tbsp of tart cherry concentrate. Supposedly tart cherry reduces inflammation, but really I just like the taste.
  • Interesting. Well, I have Hashimoto's, but my doctor recommended it anyway.
  • Because I have too many limitations after surgeries (shoulder and knee) to find a good special snowflake routine. I could agonize over lists and list of exercises to find a few that don't require kneeling, squats, or supporting my weight with my arms.... or I could just get on the bike for a while.
  • You mentioned that you had a knee injury. Did you happen to have physical therapy? If so, you could continue doing the exercises that you learned in there. That counts, and it will only benefit your knee because you will be strengthening the muscles that support it. But for weight loss, the other posters are right that it…
  • It's cool. Hijack away! I wish I could offer insight, but I only have surface-level understanding of thyroid numbers. Will you share what your doc says when you get her note?
  • NSV - I like that! Actually I'm feeling pretty good about SV too. Down 3.5 pounds (started 24 days ago), which might actually be real and not just normal fluctuation. This is my third time trying logging to lose and the first time it seems to be working. Yay for proper diagnosis and treatment! In addition to the Armour…
  • And the results are (drumroll)...... Pretty good, but the doctor said there was room to increase the dosage so he gave me a new prescription. Reading all the horror stories about people not having their doctors listen to them really makes me appreciate my naturopathic-leaning GCP. I'm really looking forward to feeling…
  • I'm on Armour Thyroid. The Rhodiola is interesting. It's not like caffeine. I read up on it and came across an analogy that made sense. Caffeine is like putting more gas in your gas tank. Rhodiola is more like increasing the size of the tank.
  • Good luck! Is this your first set of blood work or do you already have a diagnosis? Since this is only my second time, I'm still learning how to interpret the numbers.
  • Me too! If I know I need to go for a walk to get the room for wine in my calorie budget, then I am out the door and walking! (In fact, I did this just last night and ended the day under budget!) Also, there was a time in my life where I couldn't really walk, though it was because of pain rather than weight. I still…
  • This is one of three supplements that my doctor has me taking, all of which are (I think) to support the adrenal system and combat hypothyroid symptoms. The first is Rhodiola, which he told me to take when I wake up (it boosts energy). The second is Ashwagandha, which he told me to take with dinner (it gets the body ready…
  • 37 here, recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's. My numbers showed Hypo so I just started Armour Thyroid about 2 months ago. I'm getting another blood test this next weekend. This whole diagnosis is quite new and I'm still trying to understand what it means and what changes need to be made. I've tried logging before, but last…