Puppies4Lovies Member


  • I am sorry to hear how your family is acting. Mine would have been similar. I knew I would never hear the end of my families opinions and judgements, so I didn't tell anyone about it, except my husband...not even my daughter. I am so glad I kept it secret. I may tell my daughter some day, if she ever finds herself in the…
  • @jcavanna2 Here is a link that thoroughly explains it in a nutshell. There is a lot of science behind it that the book goes into...benefits beyond just weight loss. http://the5-2dietbook.com/basics
  • (((Hugs))) I am so sorry to hear about all those hardships! I really can't imagine. I just wanted to mention something that could help move the scale. It sounds scary at first but I swear it is easy! It is "intermittent fasting". I know the word "fasting" puts the breaks on but if you look at it closer, it has a lot to…
  • I love this idea. Thanks!
  • Welcome to the group! I am 30 days post op and loving it! I sent a friend request :)
    in Hello Comment by Puppies4Lovies May 2017
  • I was so glad I had biotin mouth rinse before and after surgery! My mouth was so dry and just a little bit of it really helped. Also, even though most of the gas after surgery isn't in the GI tract, gas X helped with some gas that was in my stomach. I had a little of both kinds, so I was glad I had the gas x strips, even…
  • My first and only dog, ever, is now 8 yrs old and I am dredging the situation you now find yourself in. I can't imagine how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. It has to be so hard. Sending positivity your families way.. . ((((Hugs))))
  • I am only 14 days post op so I've only just introduced some purees and I notice much more restriction than with thick liquid. I had some refried beans that were thinned a bit last night and was stuffed after just a couple small bites. Had some quacamole today and that gave me a very full feeling on a few small bites. It's…
  • Hope your toe feels better soon! Thanks for adding me :)
  • I have been using vitamin patches from bariatricpal.com because I didn't want to take vitamins by mouth so soon after surgery(4/21). So far they seem to be working great. I take the multi, b12, d3/calcium, iron and sleep aid. I will probably switch to a chewable once my stomach is more tolerant and I am eating solids…
  • Keeping my carbs below 25g per day really helped with hunger during my pre op liquid diet.
  • I have similar starting stats as you..5'6" 260lbs. I am only 9 days post VSGand am down 17lbs. I feel great! Very happy so far. I have been able to get in 64oz liquid from day one, no problem and am moving on the thicker liquids now. Liquids are able to move through without restriction. The real restriction should come…
  • I was sleeved on April 21st and am also still on full liquids...just starting to add some thicker liquids to the mix. I just added you as friends. Can't wait to follow your progress
  • Congratulations on taking the plunge! So exciting. My friend just had Fleur de lis, breast lift, arm lift and thigh lipo, and she is doing great!! She is so happy with the results. It's been about a month and she showed me her scars...they are healing nicely. Wow does her figure look great in her clothes...Everything looks…
  • My surgery date is April 21st...Only 11 days away now. It's nice to see others with dates so close. I am starting to get nervous but I know I need this so bad.
  • Wow...Great progress! I am also getting VSG in Mexico on April 21st. Only 12 days away now. I hope I will lose as well as you!
  • VSG is scheduled for April 21st. Its just around the corner now! So excited. To anyone looking for friends, please add me! :)
  • Please keep us all posted with your progress. That is awsome! I hope I can do as well. My surgery is scheduled for April 21st. They have me doing one week liquid pre-op, so I haven't started quite yet. So excited though!
  • When your favorite pants are ruined by your thighs rubbing together...holes rubbed right through!