cassiz91 Member


  • Lol listen to the docs orders. You cant do much if your injured. You need to rest and recover. Then after recovery is intense therapy and strength training for the back is needed. If you do any sort of deadlifts, you can perform rack pulls, helps with lower back and overall back. No plateaus don't last forever, just rest…
  • First off don't be discouraged, how much weight are you lifting while you train? For weight and HIIT training you can gain mass or lean mass just by the amount of weight and sets you do. The heavier the weight with more sets and less reps the more mucle mass youll be building ans decelopibg muscle growth. A few ways to…
  • Think of food as our energy source to survive. By putting fatty, fast foods in your systems everything slows down, nothing starts to work right. Healthy living is a huge mind set. We as human beings tend to destroy ourselves because of the way we think of our bodies. First off remember your body is beautiful, and it's…
  • Add resistant training to your workout plan. Do some stability ball pushes, they work the entire body. And add plyo training. This type of training is specific for sports, works coordination, agility, speed and jumping. Happy training :)
  • Prep your meals and snacks :) Buy healthy fresh fruits and veggies you love to eat and place them in baggies for on the go. Same thing goes for your meals. Pre make healthy foods you love to eat. Make sure to pack enough for on the go for an all day outting. Indulge once a week, one meal only. You don't want to go cold…
  • Hitting a platuea is completely normal. Sorry to hear about your injury. What you can do is strengthen your back as you workout. You can simply do your same workout routine but super set it. 30 sec rest in between. For example: Deadlifts 1 set of 5 30 second rest The goodmorning 1 set of 10 If you don't want to super set,…
  • Don't worry we've all been there. Take your time and remember to be kind to yourself
  • It really depends on your goal, plan out if you want to gain muscle and how much. Then focus which body parts. For example: Monday: chest, arms and shoulders, Wednesday: legs, Friday: back. Then you can simplify and go into detail of what workouts you'd like to do :)
  • Foam roller or use a soft ball and roll the muscle tissue, it'll burn but it's worth it
    in Back rehab Comment by cassiz91 July 2015
  • I tell my clients to step on the scale once a month, why? Because if they step on every week but don't notice any little significant change they get so discourage. I constantly remind them that change doesn't necessarily shows up on the scale. It will be by how you fit onto your clothes, how you improve on specific…
  • Feeling sore from a new workout is common and normal, with those classes, the body will reach its limit and get use to everything in due time. Remember the body fluctuates all the time. Try using a measuring tape and measure your body. Losing body weight is different from losing fat cells, so you can be the same weight but…
  • Try including isolation workouts. when you do bench press, it does work a lot of muscle groups such as triceps, shoulders and biceps. When performing isolation workouts your generally working one specific muscle group.
  • Music helps when you workout alone. Get your favorite tracks and eventually you'll be lost within the music and realizing you whipped through your workout quickly :)
  • I understand your situation very well. Firstly it takes time and patience.Your young so weight can be easier to lose then when your older. Begin to build up a steady routine of doing physical fun activities such as sports, and include going to the gym. Get your favorite fruits and veggies you like to eat and you can build…