Soyviz Member


  • Hi to type 1 peeps, again! Eating more fat and fewer carbs ultimately led to 20 lb loss over 10 mos, plus fasting from 10pm to 11:30am next day. Also did strength training cardio workout 1 hour 4x weekly. I'm now more toned and stronger but gained back 10lbs bc stopped the İF--hard to sustain. However I'm eating better and…
  • Thank you for all the great suggestions! I have some shopping to do, and hopefully can find a few bottoms that fit right for $50 rather than $85.
  • I have the exact same issue, Penguin! Throughout the day I'm good, logging faithfully, pretty satisfied. Then afer dinner, I want the chips and sour cream. There's nothing wrong with having a snack. But it can lead to a binge. My solution (I'm trying, anyway) is to eat a dinner very high in protein: Chicken breast, lean…
  • I think it also depends on what time of the day you exercise. When I did my cardio-strength training workout in the afternoon, I would end up with a bad low. However, since I switched to 5:30am workout time, by BG level is absolutely the same before and after I workout. I do 45 mins of cardio and 15 mins of strength…
  • This is a great question! So glad you brought it up. I have been on a drug for 7 yrs that not only slows metabolism but also increases appetite. Last year I gained 15 lb in a month though I was exercising three to four times a week and not eating a ton. Then I upped my exercise, lowered my food intake, and the lb kept…
  • I have two recipes; one for a refreshing green smoothie and one a blogger called SpinachTiger simply refers to as the red drink: KALE LIME AND COCONUT WATER SMOOTHIE 1 peeled lime 1 granny smith apple 1 small cucumber Large handful of spinach leaves and kale leaves; maybe 2 cups total? I usually eyeball it 1 tsp grated…
    in Smoothies Comment by Soyviz July 2015
  • If there's leftover birthday cake around, I'll throw it away to avoid temptation. In about 15 mins I'll fish it out of the trash if it wasn't touching anything too icky and eat it anyway...I've done this more than once.
  • Hi Erin! I'm Aisha, and also a type 1 on a pump. It's always nice to meet fellow diabetics who are working out and losing weight. Congrats on your weight loss! I am trying to lose 10, but my main goal is to improve my diet and tone.
  • Type 1 diabetic here on the OmniPod pump. I have the same issue too with overeating to compensate lows, but just recently started to avoid this pitfall. I want to lose 10 lb. Stepped up my protein consumption and added more cardio to my strength training. I exercise every day. Insulin does make it harder to lose weight!…
  • Hi-- I had the same prob. My nutritionist told me about Explore Asian brand of bean-based pastas (edamame, soybean, mung and black bean). I eat them with homemade tomato sauce; they are lo-carb and high in protein. No, they don't taste as good as regular pasta (!), but as a 45-yr-old type 1 diabetic who is trying to lose…
  • I'm in the same boat; 1232 daily, with a little wiggle room due to exercise. Try Explore Asian's high protein low carb bean pastas. With tasty tomato sauce one serving is very filling. Not as good as regular pasta, but still :)