ashleighs148 Member


  • The battery life on the polar watch is very poor, it doesn't count steps and it would be very uncomfortable to wear a chest strap all day, I'm also not allowed to wear a watch at work so I wear the fitbit one on my bra. My polar watch isn't compatible with myfitnesspal so I need to do it manually.
  • I completely deleted the 310 and the fitbit calorie adjustment was -13, I added in the 310 and it's now -297.
  • It will only ruin everything if you let it and you don't get back on track afterwards. A couple days won't affect you in the long run if you get back into it. On special days I tend to eat what I want but still try and log it. I'll maybe be 1-2lb up the next day and then the day after back to normal. You could just put…
  • I just bought a massive bar of Cadbury's milk chocolate and it's only 29 calories a block. :) It's really not hard to fit chocolate into your diet, even if you are restricting calories.
  • Not really healthy snacks, but I like having party rings which are only 29 calories per biscuit or mini brownie bites that are 40 calories or recently it's been mini creme eggs which are 52 calories. If I want something sweet or some chocolate, nothing healthy will satisfy that, so I eat some chocolate or biscuits and just…
  • Some people do maintain a raw diet for a very long time and swear by it. For me, it's too restrictive and if you want to do it well you need to be so careful and track everything. You'd need to eat a lot of food to get enough calories which for some is a plus but I wouldn't want to be eating that much food. You'd need to…
  • I haven't found that too be true. I carry most of my weight on my thighs but it's my tummy that's had the biggest change.
  • I eat the same things all the time, but that's not because I'm counting calories, it's just what I've always done. I don't like a large variety of food, I'm picky and I know what I enjoy so I stick to that. The most variety I get is granary to white bread every now and again, and after eating cornflakes for breakfast for…
  • The only maintenance days I've planned are when I went away on a weekend break. But I do eat at maintenance every couple weeks or so, it's not planned but if I go out for dinner and I know I'm going to go over, I just make sure it's closer to my maintenance calories.
  • It sounds like your scales need new batteries but also make sure you're weighing on a solid surface. It's perfectly normal to be 4lbs up by the end of the day but not in 5 minutes.
  • I only pay attention to the calories and that's working for me. I've tried keeping to macros but I find it impossible to get enough protein.
  • Mine are the same when I lay down and I'm still a bit overweight with a BMI of 25.5. It's perfectly normal.
  • My polar takes into account resting HR though it's not the ft7, not sure about that one. The calories you burn at rest is partly why you don't eat 100% back. Also, machines usually give me double the amount of calories compared to my polar HRM, sometimes 900+ for a spin class which for a 5'3 girl in 45 minutes is just…
  • Everyone's different. I'm just under 5'4 and I'm 152 lbs so my bmi is around 26. However, my waist is 28 inch and it was under 30 even when I was 170 lbs but that's just because everyone carries their weight differently. Online body fat calculators aren't accurate either. I use body calipers which say my body fat % is…
  • I get everyone is different but it just seems like such a sad way to live, potentially suffering all week on very little calories (dizziness, weakness, etc) and just living for the weekend. I know I'd cave very quickly. There's nothing wrong with banking some calories to eat out at the weekend, a lot of people do it, but…
  • They might not be super accurate but they're the most accurate you're going to get, definitely better than mfp or machine estimates (obviously with the right height and weight in).
  • I know this is about waist trainers (which are a complete waste of money) but this is in response to your comment on back supports. Some people wouldn't be able to do anything without a back support. I have a really sore back sometimes because I've got hypermobility and my hips don't sit right. I only wear a support if I'm…
  • When comparing two things like that you cannot have multiple variables and you must assume the same volume, therefore muscle weighs more than fat. That's like me saying what weighs more potatoes or candy floss? Oh but a pound of potatoes weighs the same as a pound of candy floss. Well obviously but 1lb wasn't mentioned…
  • I eat potatoes pretty much everyday and I usually roast them in olive oil with some seasoning. 400g of potato is 325 calories and 7g of oil is 63 calories. That's a pretty decent serving of roast potatoes for under 400 calories. Worth it to me.
  • She has said she is at least 20lbs underweight with a BMI of 15, her profile says she's 19 which means 22% would be bordering ideal and average. Her body fat percentage is likely much lower than that being so underweight.
  • Enjoy yourself. Never been to the American parks but I've been to DLP a bunch of times. I went to DLP for 7 nights at Christmas and walked well over 96 miles (phone died a couple days). I was on my feet from 7 am to 10 pm with maybe two and a half hours each day sitting eating. I find that tends to balance out the…
  • size102b, everyone has different perceptions on what they look like and remember people have seen one blurry picture of you, they haven't seen you in person so try not to get disheartened by what strangers on the internet think of your weight. From your profile picture, it looks like you've lost a lot of weight and you…
  • Wow, you certainly look very different but if you'd asked me to guess how much weight is between these two pictures I would have never said 5 stone and I would have never guessed you weighed 145lbs either. You look great, well done :)
  • Personally, I don't think you look your weight, you carry it well. But that's also probably because of my issues and opinions of my own weight. And I think people are often trying to be nice, if someone told me their weight and it was quite high I'd probably say "oh really? you definitely don't look it", knowing full well…
  • I like Graze boxes but you could make up your own. Weigh out some nuts, chocolate raisins, pumpkin seeds etc. Salted pretzels are a good snack. You could make your own popcorn and take a tub of it with you, that's always a good thing to pick at. Meat substitutes too, you could cook up little chicken pieces and eat them…
  • I'm in Glasgow :)
  • Personally, I like to weigh daily, first thing in the morning before showering. I don't like weighing weekly because that weigh in day may be a day where I've ate a salty dinner the day before or whatever, so I'll be up a bit and I'll have missed my loss in the middle of the week and that just makes me feel bad and…
  • I like eating something sweet after every meal (sometimes breakfast too...), so I buy little mini brownie bites (45 calories) and mini millionaires bites (60 calories) so I don't go overboard. Tried the eating fruit instead of chocolate thing but that's just crazy haha.
  • Soup. Whenever I make lentil or tomato soup it's usually around 100 calories a bowl.