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HippySkoppy Member


  • *Waving* I'm struggle as another all or nothing mindset person. It has been a lifelong battle, sometimes it hits harder, for me I think that this way of thinking really grabs me when I am feeling anxious and overstretched in other areas of life. Now at 54, I have learned, mostly, that there is a definite serenity that…
  • Have you talked to him about how you feel unsupported and tired of 'leading the way' in this endeavour?? TBH it sounds as though he is just trying to super supportive of whatever you want to do at the particular time. You want easy meal/treats etc he's got your back...it has probably just not even occured to him that you…
  • I have no idea how much you will keep off as a direct result of illness. I do know that for me when the Lupus is flaring despite eating at maintenance my weight will drop and I agree that illness associated with fevers have a much bigger impact on weight. I also wanted to say how dreadfully sorry I am that you were so ill,…
  • Oh well done you. <3
  • Congratulations on your success!!!
  • Hi again @elphie754, I use epsom salt baths along with bi-carb soda in the water as well, to help with the aches and pains of the Lupus. I have found also it helping with fluid retention, don't know whether that is a direct result of the magnesium (some claims about magnesium seem to give it miraculous powers) or a…
  • Yay!!!! So happy for some positive news. Going home will make the time pass so much more pleasantly. Good luck with finding all sorts of interesting things to keep your mind occupied. ....and despite you saying that you have been a B***** at times, I still think that you are amazing. Pregnancy is hard even when everything…
  • I'm sorry you feel like this but I think you are striving for perfection. It's admirable but likely to make you feel terribly miserable and a failure for not meeting unrealistic standards. Stepping away from this all or nothing approach could give you peace and insight. If you struggle with controlling your intake due to…
  • My .02 cents is that you can lose weight on these sort of meds. I recently read there is evidence that some meds. will affect metabolism and hormone levels as well as increase your appetite but that information was not verified by any research that I recall. Maybe have a google look for yourself. Having been on multiple…
  • @elphie754 What a difficult pregnancy this has been for you, poor love. I haven't anything to offer other than hugs and very best wishes for you, your baby and your family. I think you are a trooper, Elphie, you have handled so many obstacles and problems with grace and bravery. You are amazing. <3
  • You aren't alone in not seeing. It happened to me too. My traumas and reasons why were different to yours but no less devastating and I think there are times when humans can only deal with so much and then no more. Don't be too hard on yourself and kick that put-down self talk to the curb. Now is the time for healing and…
  • @The_Movie_Chair I am so sorry you are feeling so low. I have been there too, I think most of us on here would have had similar feelings and despair at one point or another. I want to welcome you here to MFP. This site was a game changer for me when I joined way back in April 2011. Since that time I have lost all the…
  • I'm sorry that you are ill enough to have to have steroid injections and I hope they weren't as painful when given as mine. Also take heart you have kept your weight much lower than what the Nurse told you to expect. I believe the majority of your gain is fluid retention and when the course finishes, over time this will…
  • @srecupid you have had so much success in losing weight try reminding yourself that you have the knowledge and the ability to get back on track. Seriously too, your concern shows you are aware and mindful. Given that, you aren't likely to regain what you have lost. As others have pointed out the Festive season can be…
  • What a wonderful selfless gift and your story is so inspiring to me. You have made amazing progress and your motivation is so life changing for both you and your Mum. I would like to wish you and your Mother all the very best. <3
  • @Bexho I too have depression, anxiety concurrently with auto-immune conditions and have taken the plunge to return to anti-depressant medication to help.I was very resitant to doing this but in all honesty it has helped....I think that I was at the point of sheer exhuastion trying to battle on alone, so if you aren't…
  • I have found this thread very informative and has helped me a lot with issues of fluctuating weight that I am struggling with since starting on anti depressants. TBH even though I have been maintaining for 4 years I still stress (guess issues with ED's and body dysmophia never really disappear :( ).... It has been a roller…
  • @Rebecca0224 Thank you I did finally get over the guilt and now it is a story along with other such gems as: Drove into town with a kids boogie board (little surf board thingy) stuck by the ankle strap into the boot. Bright fluoro green board and I didn't even see it....must have looked like a dodgey cape. Getting home…
  • @elphie754 You have brought a smile to dial today. Love the experiences of all sharing so much, at least you know you aren't alone and it may be the beginning of a general down hill slide into spouting nonsense. Good point to know that your actions will now become stories that evolve into family legends and will provide…
  • OP - please go back to your Dr. as quickly as you can. Skin conditions can deteriorate VERY quickly. Using myself as an example, a skin fold that happened to be alongside a very old cesarean scar actually broke down and began to bleed, it started as a rash too...after that it was truly a bugger and took a long time to heal.
  • Pure awesomeness <3 and so inspiring!!!
  • Actually my post reads kind of wrong in that whilst I try to limit coffee, I still find it hard due to the fatigue so I thoroughly appreciate where you are cominng from. Please don't reactively restrict yourself for going over your calories, look at your logging for the success it is, you can see where there is room for…
  • OP - I feel for you. I too have struggled with PTSD, depression and anxiety on and off for years due to a complicated and abusive past. I have only recently gone back to meds. I do think they have been helpful, sometimes it's hard to tell, as now the mental anguish is part of the physical symptoms I have from Lupus. What…
  • Oh dear, things like this happen....you are human and not going to be perfect for Jeebus' sake don't dwell and don't hate yourself. Won't change anything and it will only raise your cortisol levels and stress you out when you should be able to enjoy Christmas. I would stay away from the scales for a while as this will…
  • Had to quote this ^^^^ because it is SO spot on it's worth repeating. OP there really isn't anything more to be said about the photos you have posted due to the manipulation of the images due to the poses you are making. I too think you looked fine at a lower weight and would agree with Amused that it was others…
  • Yeah I am like this sometimes in the regards to meal planning or just generally mulling over thoughts of food and what is coming next, I don't think this is anything to worry about in particular. However, if you are unable to stop thinking about food cause you feel hungry, listless, tummy rumbles or any large amount of…
  • Welcome to MFP <3 Your recent heart trouble must have been very scary, so glad you are home and recovering. MFP is a great place to learn about nutrition, Macro's, exercise and health things in general...I hope you get a lot out of the site.
  • <3 this post. Well done @SueSueDio on putting some many valid points down for others. Would be cool if this was a stickie.
  • Oh @elphie754 , I am so sorry to hear that you continue to be plagued with horrible physical symptoms like this, as well as dealing with the emotional overload that pregnancy can bring on top of employment woes.... Whew that is SO huge no wonder you feel vulnerable and overwhelmed and I would challenge anyone to feel any…
  • Waist trainers Super foods "Good" and "Bad" foods" "Clean foods and "Dirty" foods High colonics Getting rid of Toxins Via - Green Tea, Detoxes, Raspberry Ketones etc And.... If you are a woman being afraid...very afraid of strength training, cause you know "Bulky" Having to have as big a deficit as possible - as one must…