<3 <3
these are good selfies hehe mine are always horrible
you're freaking funny! I don't think so... @Michael_Lucas
anyone but! @Michael_Lucas
not @Michael_Lucas
if you're looking for healthy, which you probably are, ones that you can see through tend to be better for you. stay away from creamy dressings as best as you can! hope I helped!
thank you so much for your help!!
born in England, now I live in Florida
That sounds so good! Where do you buy them at?
Yea I know and it looks good!
That looks yummy!!
Thank you guys!
I know but it's just annoying because it's blowing up my phone just because people have different things that they think are right
Oh my gosh guys for real. Stop jumping on each other at the little things someone says. This is annoying, who cares what other people think? Don't jump them just because you think something different than they do
Okay can some of you guys just cut it out? I had an honest question and you're making it a big fight over nothing, who cares who's right or not? Just believe what you believe and move on with your life.
Taste is important to me, I just put a cap of apple cider vinegar into sparkling ice drinks or vitamin water and you can't really taste it
Thank you guys but I'm sorry I don't really like coconut water and I can't drink soda but I thought Pepsi max wasn't the best for you anyways
Omg i bought la croix the other day and I thought it was nasty and dry tasting!! Lol
Thank you
I actually don't think it tastes that bad
Sorry guys but I'm not old enough to drink but thank you for the input lol