Melgibbs Member


  • I use the 21 day fix tracker app and log my food on my fitness pals. I moved and haven't located my containers so I measure everything out according to the container sizes and keep track that way. It's much easier to know what each container holds to keep track of calories too.
  • I am really being mindful of what I'm eating. I'm eating to fuel my body not to just stuff my face. Also I am wearing skinny jeans and pants I haven't been able to in a year!! AND my shirt I'm wearing today was a little tight a few weeks ago and today it's lose and flowy.
  • I use myfittness pal and 21 day fix tracker.
  • My motivation is seeing the number on the scale go down. There is just something powerful about knowing that I have already lost 20 pounds and if I give up now I'll never get to feel what it would be like to get past my "lowest" weight as an adult.
  • I usually eat fruit or something with coffee. I have never been a big breakfast person, so I might have a morning snack. I know of people who have eaten a salad or something for breakfast because they don't like breakfast foods. Maybe look for some recipes for 21 day fix approved muffins.
  • Yeah that was the setting that MFP set for me. So far I've been doing good with it. ;) thanks for the welcomes. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • Keep reminded yourself why you want this. Sure it's so easy to eat but once we eat, then we are met with guilt, shame, sadness, and we lose motivation. Maybe instead of eating because you need that comfort do some exercises. Even if you're at work, do some calf raises, or walk around. I'm a therapist and sometimes after a…
  • I always am up for new friends on here. Feel free to add me. I love the accountability and the motivation. If I'm eating crap I want someone to call me out on it!!
  • I am a single mom to a 5 year old. I am a therapist and am trying to find myself again. I feel like it is so easy to lose ourselves with all that we do. Sometimes taking care of ourselves is the last thing we do but we have to be a priority too. To get to my goal weight would mean losing 100 pounds. I am focusing on 10…
  • I am on there as Melissa Gibbs. Feel free to add me.
  • Oh Soda how I love thee. I am a soda addict. I will drink regular and diet soda like it's the last thing on earth. I have been infusing my water with lemon, cucumbers, and mint. That has really helped deter my soda cravings. I have not been doing so good lately with my 64 oz a day. I am drinking a diet coke now with my…
  • I'm the mom of a 5 year old. I know the feeling of losing and then gaining it back. I am back on track now and determined to do this. I have a little on who is looking up to me. :) I'm going to add you so we can help each other stay on track. I'm open to anyone adding me as I feel we all need extra motivation now and then.…
  • I think the word diet has so much baggage and chains attached to it. It's a lifestyle. I had to break free of those chains and lay down the law that once I hit my goal nothing will change. A diet is short term. A lifestyle is for life.
  • At some point you need to get real with yourself and say I hate living this way and I'm going to change. Let those feelings of shame go because they can hold you back and feed the drive to eat unhealthy. Most of the time people go to food for comfort. When we hate ourselves, hate our bodies, and feel shame we…
  • Last year I lost 23 pounds and gained it all back. I was doing weight watchers at the time but once I stop I stop working the program. I'm trying to make this a lifestyle change and not just a diet.
  • Right now I have my main goal of reaching 110 pounds for a total loss of 100 pounds. I have a mini goal set for losing 10 pounds and then will celebrate every 10 pounds gone. I feel we respond better at feeling like we achieved something if we set small goad song the way it can restore motivation.
  • I'm Melissa. I'm 31 and motivational is a tricky sucker. I get lots of motivational, do well for a bit, then I lose my motivation. I do better having visual reminders. I have a board with my weight and numbers counted down to my goal weight. I've been checking off the numbers as I lose weight. I also have motivational…
  • I do well for a while then my motivation goes away and I give up. I use a lot of visuals. So I have a dry erase board with my weight on it in my room so I can see the weight loss being marked off. I have sayings on my cabinets and fridge to help motivate me. I am going to create another board to hang in my room with…
  • I think you are wanting to lose weight for vanity reasons and I believe you need to seek out professional help as soon as possible. I think your boyfriend encourages weight gain because he noticed how skinny you are. If you lost 30 pounds and only weighed 92 pounds that means you were underweight and that is not healthy.…
  • Feel free to add me. I am always looking for more friends for motivation,
  • Every Monday is my "official" weigh in because that's when I first weighed at the doctor's office when they started me on this new journey. I weigh myself once or twice during the week before Monday just as a mental check in but don't track that weight.
  • Nice to meet you. Feel free to add me as a friend. I love getting new motivational friends.
  • I do well for a while then my motivation goes away and I give up. I use a lot of visuals. So I have a dry erase board with my weight on it in my room so I can see the weight loss being marked off. I have sayings on my cabinets and fridge to help motivate me. I am going to create another board to hang in my room with…
  • I had a c-section and my baby is now 5 years old. I too have stretch marks and a pouch. I sometimes will get muscle spasms around my c-section incision. I saw something on pintrest where it was a picture and she had stretch marks with the words (pardon the language) ,"Your body isn't ruined. Your a goddamn tiger who earned…