How often do you weigh yourself?



  • rbakedq
    rbakedq Posts: 142 Member
    I weigh myself almost daily. I also started using Very helpful.
  • greenmaria
    greenmaria Posts: 20 Member
    I think I need to start weighing every day. I feel like if I don't, the weight creeps up, or I get lazy about the eating and say, "It's OK. I can eat this junk today because I have a week before I need to weigh myself again. I'll just eat less tomorrow."

    So I'm going to try the every-day weigh-ins and see if it helps keep me on track better.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Daily and I weigh after I have been up for about 45 minutes.. It helps me know if I need to up the water cause I can gain water weight really easy from too much sodium in foods..If I eaten out the day before I already know to expect a 2 lb to 5 lbs water weight gain easy..

    Also the TOM is a good indicator for the scale movement as well. I need to make sure my logging stays as accountable as I say it is... LOL :)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    edited October 2015
    Every day first thing, sometimes a second time in the afternoon if my morning weight is higher ten expected.

    Use - to get a log/graph that eliminate the spikes in weight gain/loss

    Weighing once a week is not good, if you happen to weigh on a high day [panic], or a low day [false optimism]
  • jodidari
    jodidari Posts: 95 Member
    I don't have a highly accurate scale (those that do decimal places) so i do it every two weeks since I can't monitor minute changes in weight.
  • H34v3nlySinsx3
    H34v3nlySinsx3 Posts: 65 Member
    I weigh in once a week. Being female my body's weight changes a bit naturally in response to nature and stress and other outside sources, some of which we can't control. So I'd say your doing just fine with that! Plus.. weighing in daily souls drive me nuts!
  • Melgibbs
    Melgibbs Posts: 26 Member
    Every Monday is my "official" weigh in because that's when I first weighed at the doctor's office when they started me on this new journey. I weigh myself once or twice during the week before Monday just as a mental check in but don't track that weight.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    I weigh monthly and take measurements weekly.
  • tanyamclattenburg
    tanyamclattenburg Posts: 51 Member
    I weigh twice a week. Once on Monday and again on Thursday. I also use the "Happy Scale" app on my iPad to track my trends and smooth out all the little spikes.
  • TheRealTeeps
    TheRealTeeps Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2015
    I weigh and record every morning before eating. I like more data points to follow trends. It will fluctuate, of course, but at the same time, you would be surprised how well it correlates to daily eating.
  • DBrooks1979
    DBrooks1979 Posts: 350 Member
    For me I weight in and record it once a week on Friday mornings right after getting up and taking care of business before clothes go on or anything else is done... I want to enjoy the weekend so I do it Friday's so I can celebrate the loss over the weekend if there is a loss or Buckle down and try to do some extra working out over the weekend.. and occasionally on Monday mornings... I check it first thing however I don't record that weight.
  • stephaniemarie2
    stephaniemarie2 Posts: 39 Member
    Every day... and I use trendweight which syncs with my fitbit. It's easier to take the ups and downs when you see a trend. (which is downward)
  • QoLmatters
    QoLmatters Posts: 708 Member
    I weigh daily (at the same time every morning) as I find it keeps me motivated. I record once a week plus any days that I have lost or gained 500g or more so I can see what food or exercise has caused the change.
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    I weigh myself pretty much everyday, but I only record it in MFP once a week. As others have stated, I like to be nerdy and keep track of the trend in the Libra app (the fluctuations don't bother me, but give me some insight and allows me to make some realistic projections). This is also a great help if my weight has not changed by the day I record; I know not everything is riding on that one meeting with the scale. :wink:
  • Melgibbs
    Melgibbs Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am always looking for more friends for motivation,
  • The_Invisible_Boy
    The_Invisible_Boy Posts: 568 Member
    Once a month. The scale is an evil tool!
  • NotUrPocahontas
    NotUrPocahontas Posts: 3 Member
    I guess whenever I feel like it, sometimes daily. But even my weight is fluctuating, I only take into account my weight on Sunday morning, before eating/drinking, and after using the restroom.
  • lisaloolovesblue
    lisaloolovesblue Posts: 30 Member
    edited October 2015
    I weigh every time I go to the gym- so like three times per week at most. I always go in the evenings after dinner. I like to see the fluctuations. Even though I have a scale at home, if I only weigh myself at the gym, it encourages me to get to the gym because I get curious.
  • pislari_poljnamd
    pislari_poljnamd Posts: 45 Member
    Daily :)
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I weight once every two weeks- this helps me a lot- because I tend to worry about if I have lost or not- when I give myself more time- I feel like I see the losses more than when it was once a week.
  • tashspring68
    tashspring68 Posts: 14 Member
    Daily - every morning after going to the bathroom. The daily fluctuations drive me nutty, but I average it out and I feel like I get a better idea of what's going on.
  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    Every day because I'm so delighted that I'm losing weight :)
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    Every day because I'm so delighted that I'm losing weight :)

    Doesn't it feel great when you see the numbers go down? :smile: Personally I weigh myself on the same scale at work (factory shipping scales that can handle a 2000 pounds or more) during the week but haven't been weighing myself on the weekends.

    I know that the downtime and lack of structure on the weekends is harder for me so I just wait until Monday and expect that at best I have stayed even. :)
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Daily. Even though weight fluctuates because of water retention, having more data points allows for much more accurate trending, which is what I care about.