MyWhole30Journey Member


  • Attended a wedding of a good friend last night, did have wine but only 1 glass. It was a Zinfindel and definitely not my favorite so it was easy to stick to only one. Didn't crave any more and I don't today either. I was happy I was able to do that :)
  • Long weekend for me in the beautiful country side. I love autumn with all its colors. I've been good, staying sober. Would have really enjoyed a drink watching the sunset a few nights back but it was just as beautiful without one :)
  • Hey Mike, you know one is as dangerous as the other. Please get the help you need. You sound like a pretty determined guy, you did what you needed to do after your accident. Don't wait for another accident, this time you may not be as fortunate. Of course you are always welcome to talk in this forum. Talking about your…
  • Wish I could help with an answer to your question :/ Fortunately my hubby and I are on the same page when it comes to giving up drinking. It's hard, really hard, as all habits are but it truly is worth it.
  • That's exactly how it started for me, put the kids to bed and finally sit down to enjoy some me time. Unfortunately, the more frequently you drink wine you build up a tolerance and need just a little more to take the edge off. Before you know it, it's a lifetime habit, a bad habit.
  • It's never too late!
  • So, here it is, Monday the 5th of October. Did everyone make it through the weekend sober? It's a little scary when you don't see any posts for a few days. I did well. Hope you all did too :)
  • Hey Everybody, the Sober October thread is up and running. Hope to see you there :)
  • Definitely a better obsession to have :) Glad you did it!
  • @mandylou A lot of the MFP's here, myself included swear by Sparkling Water to get through the night :) @TacoTina Not sure who Bill W is but I'm sure he's happy to be considered your friend. Of course you're welcome to join us. Perhaps you can share your experience and how you were able to get it under control.
  • Okay, I've started the new thread Sober October so maybe we can all hop over there. It can be found under Motivation and Support and if when you find it you click on the star at the top of the page it will be bookmarked for you to find easier the next time you're looking for us. See you in Sober October.
  • Well, I guess we all stumbled! I had wine too, 1/2 a bottle :( . Could have easily drank more but I only bought 1 bottle. Used stress as an excuse, lost a friend :'( , another deaf friend fell and broke her arm so I spent the day at the hospital with her. I've come to know that I can NOT be moderate in my drinking. I'm off…
  • @fiddletime I do hope you have an enjoyable weekend. You've come very far and I'm confident that you won't let this weekend gathering spoil all the good you've done for yourself. I'm doing well. I'll spend a quiet weekend at home with my husband getting some projects done before the weather gets too cold. Loving these…
  • Ditto, in for October :smile:
  • Still here and still sober :) Day 53
  • So happy to see you all doing well :) Let's keep at it!
  • Day 50 AF -- Spent a beautiful day on the beach yesterday. Great weather, nearly 90 degrees. Won't have many more days like that this year so I'm trying to enjoy them while I can. Today is a busy day for me though, loading the barn with hay for the winter! Usually after a long hard day I like to unwind with some wine but…
  • Day 48 :) YOU ALL CAN DO THIS!!! I drank between 1 and 2 bottles of wine nightly for 30+ years. It had to end.
  • You're so right! Fifty percent is better than what you were doing! As for the Whole30? It's an eating program, an elimination diet that helps to determine what foods your body has a hard time processing. In addition it's said to help restart you metabolism (you know, give it a kick start). I for one have dealt with IBS for…
  • Still here and feeling more in control every day. Day #46 AFfor me :)
  • Hi, I'm doing the Whole30 too. I'm on day 45 would be 46 but I did cheat one day, around day 35. We have a group of Whole30 participants if you care to join; just go into groups and search Whole30 September 2015. Hope to see you there. Cindy
  • That's fantastic! I'm sure you completed you Whole30 journey with flying colors. I'm on Day 46 :)
  • @janenightingale Just get right back on that wagon! you have a whole week before another weekend arrives and tries to derail you. You can do this! @fiddletime Good going, you made the right choice for you! My neighbors through a "family get together" over the weekend. It started out nice, lots of kids laughing and playing…
  • That is bazaar! What the heck was she thinking??? Sounds like the store clerk needs to be here as well!
  • I totally agree, however, since I've quit I've lost 14 lbs., saved $860 (yes, about $20 bucks daily) and stopped poisoning my liver. Wish I could say I sleep better but I drink a lot of water and so I'm up to often, gotta put the breaks on after say 7pm. maybe :)
  • I've only tried the Coconut and wasn't thrilled, prefer my Poland Springs. I do want to try LaCroix's new flavor, "Watermelon". Yum!!! :)
  • You can do it, if you really want to. They say you can break a habit in 21 days, after that it's a choice, not a craving. I'm on Day 42 and feeling pretty great right now.
  • @jesha00 sorry the sparkling water didn't work out for you. Personally I don't know what's not to like, especially the lemon or orange, not much different than having a slice of lemon in your glass of water. Going 3 days is good, especially if that's been difficult for you in the past. You can easily do 4, Mon., Tues.,…
  • Sober September! Day 40 and all is good.
  • Glad to hear you're all making it through this long weekend and the final summer hoorahs. @fiddletime, smart move on your part. I could substitute candy for anything and be happy lol. @janenightingale, good for you too! We should never have to make excuses for doing the right thing, but we do. Sometimes people just don't…